Black Lipstick Kisses

Black Lipstick Kisses by Monica Belle Read Free Book Online

Book: Black Lipstick Kisses by Monica Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Belle
    â€˜What’s the ritual?’
    â€˜I’m not certain. I thought a sacrifice, but I’ve done that several times. Besides, you get complaints. One time I did this scene with a black cockerel being sacrificed in an attempt to summon Satan. The editor got 47 letters of complaint about cruelty to animals. Forty-seven! Daft really, ’cause it’s only a drawing, and in the same story I had a military type eaten by a demon. Nobody complained about that, not one.’
    I laughed and arranged myself more comfortably on the settee, more languidly too.
    â€˜So not a sacrifice, what then? How about some exotic sex ritual?’
    â€˜No deflowering virgins. It says so in the guidelines.’
    â€˜How about male virgins?’
    His morose expression vanished and he gave me a big smile.
    â€˜Now that’s a thought! Different anyway. PC in a way, but still with some shock value. Hey, I think you’ve hit on it, and that way I can have a great closing spread. I’ll make the leader of the modern cabal a Priestess, not a Priest, and finish with her having sex with the Devil while the rest of them cower back in terror. Great!’
    Suddenly he was all energy, taking a moment to put the drawing he’d been working on carefully between two boards and fixing a new piece of paper into place. I watched, pleased to have him react so well to my input, but still feeling a touch short of attention. With Michael it was plain that his art came first.
    He began by sketching out a faint grid, then adding figures. They were just in outline, vague, asexual things without faces. They grew quickly, bony hands, faces shadowed by hoods, the sharp contrast of candlelight, a set of scenes both forceful and disturbing as the sinister cabalists prepared a louche young man for his fate. It was wonderfully done too, and satisfying. The virgin was a drunken stag expecting sex with the beautiful, poised priestess, allowing himself to be stripped, spread on the altar and teased to erection. His face was set in idiot, drink-sodden lust right up to the moment she penetrated his anus with the monstrous dildo she’d had concealed beneath her robes. It was pretty graphic, much more so than I’d expected, and he was taking such relish in the detail I began to wonder if he was gay, or rather, bisexual. I also couldn’t help but wonder which magazine he expected it to be published in. I held back the question until Michael was actually drawing in the hapless young man’s straining bottom hole.
    â€˜Are they going to let you get away with that?’
    â€˜No. The one I send in will have convenient bits of shadow, hands, edges of robes, just enough to make it clear what’s happening without risking an accusation of obscenity. The full version I’ll have published in Belgium. Do you know about
bandes dessinées?
    He stepped a little to the side, reached up to a shelf for a handful of magazines and tossed them to me. I picked up the top one as he went back to his work and my mouth came open in shock. Right on the first page a beautiful girl in old-fashioned costume was having sex with two men, one from behind and one, a coachman, in her mouth. No detail had been spared, and itgot worse, or better. There were orgies, lesbian and gay sex, scenes of flagellation and bondage, even a seriously weird one with a girl making love to an octopus. I could only stare, my emotions flicking between shock and arousal, disgust and delight. Some of the images were pretty gross, but I could not stop myself from turning the pages, every one, until I was left feeling seriously flustered and seriously horny.
    Michael had kept working all the time I was reading, barely sparing me a glance. I wondered if he’d given me the cartoons on purpose, to turn me on, but his attitude was no different from before. The drawing had evolved though, with the seduction and buggery of the young man now in

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