Black Lipstick Kisses

Black Lipstick Kisses by Monica Belle Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Black Lipstick Kisses by Monica Belle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Belle
young man’s. I was going to have to push my hips out just the same way, undoubtedly betraying the moistness of my sex. He would know I was available, physically, and surely mentally too, and if he didn’t do something about it then I was going to, at any moment.
    With picture three finished I opened my robe and pushed out my hips, not waiting to be asked. He had turned a little, and as he moved back his robe swayed, revealing his cock for just an instant, heavy and urgentover a pair of good-sized balls, just needing a touch to bring him to erection, my touch. Yet still he drew, cool and steady, only now I knew his indifference was a pretence. For nearly two hours I’d been slowly working myself up. I was ready and so was he.
    â€˜Look, Michael, are you going to fuck me, or do I have to fuck you?’
    He turned, grinning, put his fingers to the belt of his robe and tugged. It came open, showing off his lean, smooth torso, the firm muscle of his thighs, and the bulk of cock and balls. I stepped forward, intent on mounting him, with my robe still on, a hooded Priestess taking her pleasure, naked beneath her robe. He needed just a touch of encouragement, no more, and I sank quickly down, to take hold of his beautiful big penis. My mouth was wide, then full, the taste of man filling my senses as I began to suck. Michael was swelling in my mouth, and pulling back suddenly at the sound of a key grating in the lock. He swore.
    I stood, instantly angry and at the same time embarrassed, searching desperately for what I was going to say to the girlfriend who was undoubtedly about to walk through the door. Only it wasn’t a girlfriend, not a woman at all, but a man, as handsome as Michael, only blond, taller, a little more solid, with the same easy confidence in his face. He must have guessed what we’d been up to, because he was grinning the instant he saw me and there was laughter in his voice as he spoke.
    â€˜Don’t mind me.’
    He strolled into the kitchen, completely casual, in fact just as if he owned the place. I was sure there was no flatmate; the possibilities that Michael was gay, orat least bi, flicked through my head again before I realised the truth, at the same instant Michael confirmed it for me.
    â€˜My brother, Chris.’
    â€˜Oh, right. Does he normally just walk in like that?’
    â€˜He owns the flat.’
    â€˜Oh. But . . .’
    â€˜Yeah, I know, he’s –’
    He broke off with a gesture of irritation and went back to the drawing, now just filling in details of shadow. I was so horny that for a moment the idea of asking them if they’d like to share crossed my mind, only to be dismissed. For one thing I couldn’t see it happening, and for another I’d felt a link with Michael the instant I’d seen him. Not with Chris.
    It was only when Chris came out of the kitchen with an open beer in his hand that I realised I’d left the
bandes dessinées
magazines on the settee, with one open at the page showing the woman entangled with the octopus. I’d already been blushing, sure he’d guessed what had been going on, but my face grew hotter still as he picked it up, turned it sideways and then upside down, smirking all the while.
    â€˜Kinky! You ought to draw stuff like this, Mike. Aren’t you going to introduce me then?’
    Michael didn’t answer for a moment, and he didn’t look too pleased when he turned around.
    â€˜This is Dusk, she’s modelling for me. Dusk, meet Chris.’
    â€˜Hi, babe.’
    He went back to reading the magazine, pausing only occasionally to take a sip of beer. Finally, Michael spoke up.
    â€˜Chris, I am trying to work here.’
    â€˜Yeah, sure, but there’s this guy coming round to view the flat later.’
    â€˜You have to be joking!’
    â€˜You know the deal, Mike, and you’re doing well now. You said so yourself. We better

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