Blackfin Sky
moment to kiss him. When Sky would relive the moment in her dream later that night, she would actually go ahead and lean in, but in reality, Sky hesitated. And the moment vanished with them pulling apart and muttering apologies over nothing.
That was how Sky remembered it, except in the dream she’d taken a chance and leaned in to kiss Sean. And the dream had ended with her running, crying like a total fool, to Blackfin Pier. That seemed to be the reality everyone Sky had seen over the last three days remembered.
But there was only one person who could confirm what exactly had happened that night outside the school gymnasium.
Sky set down her pen and sighed. She would have to ask Sean.

Sky was still mulling over the basic impossibility of asking Sean for confirmation of her mortifying kiss-fail when she walked into school on Monday morning.
Her stomach knotted when she got the same stunned-silent response to her arrival at school as she had three days earlier, but she kept her expression neutral. Heads turned in her direction and rubber soles squeaked to a halt on the tiled floor, one ogler even dropping her book-bag for extra drama. Sky rolled her eyes and tried to ignore them, even the Swivellers – those creepy brothers with their jointless necks, following her with their black stares right along the hallway to her classroom. She took the seat between Cam and Bo, rolling her eyes for their benefit.
‘Looks like I’m still the freak du jour.’
Bo laughed flatly. ‘When were you not?’ At Sky’s raised eyebrow, Bo’s look became as flat as her laughter. ‘Really, Sky? I know you never exactly asked for the attention, but the staring is hardly new. You flit around, being all Skylar Rousseau, and then act uncomfortable when people stop what they’re doing to stare at you. You can’t be remarkable without being remarked upon.’
‘But I’m not remarkable.’ Sky squirmed, and both her friends watched her.
‘It’s like watching someone trying to saddle a cat,’ Cam chirped, and Bo nodded appreciatively.
‘Nice analogy.’
Cam frowned. ‘Doesn’t an analogy have something to do with your bum?’
‘Minus one million points. And she was doing so well!’
Despite the fact that her friends were making fun of her, Sky was starting to feel a little better. After all, this was all perfectly normal.
It didn’t last long.
‘But, Sky – is it true, what they’re saying? Were you actually dead the whole time you were gone? Because you can tell us, you know, if you were .’
Sky was spared having to answer Cam’s earnest question as the final bell rang, and Mr Hiatt glared at the students until they stopped talking. Their eyes never left Sky the whole time.
Just as Mr Hiatt opened his mouth to begin taking the register, the door slammed open again and Sean hurried in. Sky watched him mutter an apology to Mr Hiatt as he passed and took his seat near the front.
‘Is Sean okay?’ Sky whispered to Cam, who shrugged.
‘He hasn’t said anything, but I know he’s not been sleeping well the last few nights.’
‘He freaked out when you died, and now he’s freaking out because you’re back,’ Bo explained, a waft of the minty gum she was chewing to hide her ashtray breath crossing between their desks. ‘It’s obvious.’
‘Why would Sean be freaking out about that?’ At Bo’s withering look, she added, ‘More than anyone else is, I mean.’
Cam answered before Bo could. ‘When you died, it hit Sean really hard. And then there was all that stuff with Miss Schwarz and Aunt Holly…’
‘Whoa, what stuff ?’ Sky’s sharp hitch in tone caught Mr Hiatt’s attention, and he turned to glare at her before his eyes widened in surprise.
‘ Skylar Rousseau ?’
Bo sat back, crossing her ankles lazily in front of her desk. ‘Looks like somebody didn’t get the memo.’
‘But – but how, I mean – how are you here ?’
Sky swallowed before answering. ‘My mum did call Mrs Hemlock to check it was okay for me

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