Blame It on the Blackout

Blame It on the Blackout by Heidi Betts Read Free Book Online

Book: Blame It on the Blackout by Heidi Betts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Betts
it wrong? What if she thought he was inviting her to a whole new level of their relationship?
    When she didn’t respond, however, the moment ofalarm passed. Beside him, he heard her moving around and pushed to his feet.
    â€œWe should probably get dressed,” he said, holding out his hand to help her up, and then leaning down to make contact when he realized she couldn’t see the offer. “Never know when the power will come back on and the elevator doors will open.”
    â€œWouldn’t want that,” she murmured.
    Her removed tone reminded Peter that she was probably having second thoughts about their encounter, as well. Regrets.
    That didn’t sit well with him. As unsure as he was about what they’d done, about what the future might bring because of it, he didn’t want Lucy to be sorry she’d let him make love to her. Hell, he wanted her eyes to still be glazed over, wanted to be the best lover she’d ever had.
    But he couldn’t have it both ways, could he? He had to either curl her toes and be ready for the possibility of building a relationship with her, or chalk it up to hot sex under duress and deal with the blow to his ego when she didn’t fall at his feet, begging for more.
    Patting their way around the floor of the car, they collected discarded pieces of clothing. It was impossible to identify them all, but they managed to zip up and rearrange their clothes just as the lights and buttons inside the elevator began to flicker.
    Peter’s stomach turned over in relief. He’d been okay, distracted as he was by this newest turn of eventswith Lucy. But if they’d been trapped much longer, he honestly couldn’t be sure the claustrophobia wouldn’t have come back and sent him hyperventilating again.
    Eyes slowly adjusting to the return of fluorescent brightness, he stuffed an extra garment—likely his tie—in the pocket of his tuxedo jacket, watching Lucy tug at her gown, run a smoothing hand through her long black hair, and slide her toes back into a high-heeled shoe as the car gave a giant lurch and once again started its descent.
    When the doors opened, he was relieved to find the lobby level fairly empty. A few people milled around, looking disoriented by the unexpected blackout, but in the process of going about their business.
    As Peter and Lucy stepped out of the elevator, the hotel’s manager raced up to them, offering effusive apologies for the inconvenience of being stuck between floors for so long. Peter waved off the man’s worries. It wasn’t the manager’s fault he was claustrophobic, after all. And being trapped, even for such a short time, had given him the chance to finally make love to Lucy, which he couldn’t bring himself to fully regret.
    Instead Peter asked for the limo to be brought around. As they walked, he helped to arrange the shawl over Lucy’s bare shoulders to protect her from the late-night chill.
    Inside the limo, the air was warm and he instructed the driver to take them to her apartment first. The silence between them was stifling, growing moreuncomfortable by the minute, and he racked his brain for something to say.
    Thank you didn’t seem quite appropriate. Nor did I’m sorry.
    He wanted to ask her to come home with him, to stay the night and let him touch her again the way she had in the elevator. Only this time, he would go more slowly…explore those luscious curves in more detail, study every nook and cranny of her beautiful body.
    Stealing a glance at her still form out of the corner of his eye, he felt himself grow hard with wanting her again.
    So much for scratching an itch or thinking once would ever be enough when it came to Lucy Grainger.
    The car pulled to a stop outside her building, and Peter escorted her to her apartment. She didn’t speak as they climbed the stairs, and he couldn’t think of any way to fill the awkward quiet.
    At her door, he touched her

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