BLAZE by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: BLAZE by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
“Hell, man. Don’t sweat it. We’ll handle things on this end. You just focus on keeping Luna safe. She’s more important than the shit going down here tonight.”
    “Thanks, brother.” Blaze disconnected the call and helped Luna onto the bike.
    She clung to him as he took the streets a little faster than necessary, but he wanted to get to the store and get home as fast as possible. The last thing he wanted was Luna out in the open for that asshole to kill. Two explosions in less than twelve hours wasn’t something he could ignore.
    He just hoped he didn’t fuck up. If anything happened to Luna, someone would
    have to put a bullet in him. They may have just met, but he felt closer to her than anyone ever before. He believed she was his true mate, the one woman destined to be his. Now he had to keep her alive long enough to tell her how he felt, even if it was rushing things a bit. Sometimes you just knew.

Chapter Six

    Luna was getting frustrated. Blaze had helped her pick out some clothes, but
    there was no way in hell she was wearing the tiny scrap of fabric he called a shirt. And the jeans he’d picked out… She shook her head. There was no way she was jumping around and trying to shimmy into them. If she couldn’t pull them straight up her legs without doing a jig, then she didn’t have any business wearing them.
    She had just changed back into her clothes, and was about to take her purchases to the counter, when a feeling of unease crept down her spine. She looked over her shoulder but didn’t see anyone. As she turned around once more, a figure lunged out of one of the dressing rooms, clamped a hand over her mouth and wrapped an arm
    around her throat.
    The black-clad figure had to be the same one she’d seen set fire to her car and her heart began to race. She clawed at his hands and arms, kicking her feet in an attempt to break free. She landed a few good kicks against his shins, but all it garnered was a grunt. It didn’t slow him down in the least as he dragged her through the dressing room and to the back exit.
    Luna knew once she was out of the building and into whatever car he had
    waiting, that it would be next to impossible for Blaze to track her. She tried screaming and fought even harder, but it just seemed to piss off the man taking her hostage. As she kicked out, she managed to slam shut one of the dressing room doors. The sound reverberated throughout the area and she hoped it was enough to make Blaze come check on her.
    The emergency exit popped open with a screech of sirens and she was hustled
    outside. A man waited beside an SUV with an open door. As she drew nearer, she recognized Ricardo. She thought she was going to wet her pants she was so scared, but she tried to hold it together, telling herself that Blaze would come for her.
    “If it isn’t my long lost sister,” Ricardo sneered. He grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head to the side. “We’re going to have a little bit of fun, and then you’re going to fulfill the contract I signed five years ago. The President of the Black Daggers was most interested when I told him I’d found you. I think he has special plans for you.”
    Luna couldn’t hold back her whimper at the thought of being at the mercy of that monster. She’d rather face her brother a thousand times over than be left with the stone cold killer.
    “Luna!” She heard Blaze call for her and tried to scream.
    “Shit! I thought you got rid of him,” Ricardo said. “Stuff her inside and let’s get the hell out of here. That’s a big motherfucker and I don’t want to tangle with him one on one.”
    A roar split the air and she wondered if he’d shifted, but she couldn’t see behind her. The man holding her crammed her inside the backseat of the SUV then slammed the door shut. He got into the passenger seat as Ricardo slid into the driver’s spot. The locks weren’t engaged, but no matter how frantically she pulled on the door handle, it

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