Blood and Sympathy

Blood and Sympathy by Lori L. Clark Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Blood and Sympathy by Lori L. Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori L. Clark
pictures on the wall. I was so fucking pissed
that I wanted to fucking scream my lungs out. I flopped onto my bed as hot,
angry tears tracked down my cheeks.
    I took a hot shower and spritzed on my favorite
cherry vanilla body mist before settling in to read Braden's letter. His notes
always made me smile and in spite of my mood, I decided to answer him right
    Hey Braden,
    I smiled when I saw
the envelope from you. Some days really suck, and this was one of those days,
so hearing from you brightened an otherwise shitty day.
    That picture was out
of last year's high school yearbook. Thanks for the compliment, but no, I don't
have anyone lined up to date me. I tend to have the opposite effect on boys
around Hensteeth. I think most of them are scared of dating the preacher's
    My dad and I argued
about college tonight. I told him my idea about taking a year off. He didn't
like that. So I suggested maybe going to the local community college. I want to
do something with my cooking skills. His response to that was pretty insulting.
I shouldn't let him get to me, but he does. Telling me not to do something only
adds fuel to the fire, making me want to do it just to spite his ass.
    I wish I believed that
my father wanted what was best for me. More and more, I'm convinced that he
wants me to do what's best for him. Don't want to do anything that tarnishes
the good reverend's name.
    LOL stands for
"laughing out loud." I like "lots of luck" better. I could
use a little of that right now.
    Braden! That's great
news that you're going to be getting out early. I'm real happy for you.
    I'll watch you ice
skate this winter, but don't expect me to join you. Yes, I am a chicken.
    Well, if you're coming
home in June, you can just hand deliver that music box in person. That would
make it even more special. How often does Jeb come to see you? Maybe he'd let
me ride along? Is that even allowed? Would I have to get some sort of special
permission or something if I wanted to visit you?
    Do you think Brogan
will come to live in Hensteeth when he gets out?
    I'll make you that
carrot cake, and no offense to your Aunt Carol, but I make a pretty mean carrot
cake myself.
    "By the strength
within, I shall succeed." I like that. I think it suits you. If I can
figure out what I want, I'll get one with you. What Dad doesn't know, won't
hurt him (or me).
    I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
    The full moon shone a golden beam through my curtains.
I pulled my robe tighter and opened the window. The night was crisp and clear
and the stars seemed close enough to touch. I lit a cigarette and leaned my
elbows on the sill as I stared across the silent lawn, wishing I was anywhere
but Hensteeth, Tennessee.

    When they hear you're getting out, it can earn you
a couple different reactions. Some of the guys are happy for you and give you a
fist bump. Others can be jealous fuckers, trying to do what they can to thwart
your plans. I had to watch my back, try not to piss anybody off, and avoid the
usual troublemakers. Including my brother. No, scratch that. Especially my brother.
    I knew Brogan wouldn't be standing in line to
congratulate me on my early release. He didn't even pretend. He called me a
suck-up, a pussy, and a few other choice names I tried to ignore. I refused to
take the bait and let him push my buttons. There was once a time when that
might have happened, but no more.
    He stood in my doorway watching me through narrowed
eyes. "What's that picture on your wall?" He nodded toward the tiny
black and white photo Claire had sent me of herself. I'd taped it to the
cinderblock wall above my desk.
    "Just some girl I've been writing to," I
said, shrugging my shoulders. I tried to play it off like it was no big deal.
    He twisted his head, looking over his shoulder
into the hallway, and quickly stepped into my room. In two strides, he was
across the small space with his nose practically

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