voice crack with the emotion he felt building inside him.
Tommy dead—no it cannot be!
The demon chuckled. “So in love, are you, with the mortal? He still lives, but for how long depends on you.”
“What do you want?”
“I told you, I want you.”
“Out of the question,” Andrew snapped. “Next?”
Dakar shrugged. “I could take you, you know.”
“I doubt that. You may look like my lover, but I know now you are a long way from being anything like him in nature. Who are you anyway?”
Dakar reached inside Tommy’s bomber jacket and withdrew the tarot card he still carried. “I am the demon, Dakar, second in command, and answerable only to Kardis, Lord of the Underworld, Himself.” He waved the card in front of Andrew’s eyes. “The task I have been set is to take down Marcus Verano, your leader, the self-proclaimed Master Vampire, and any other vampire who gets in my way.”
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Andrew’s laughter was tinged with derision, but at the same time he sent out a silent warning to any and all vampires within reach of his mind.
“I would wish you good luck, but it would be a wasted one. Marcus has survived countless attempts to destroy him. Nor is he a self-proclaimed master vampire. He is revered among those who know and love him. You will be torn to pieces should you so much as attempt to harm him.”
“Well now, brave words.” Dakar’s lips curled in a sneer. “But you have to admit I hold the ace, Andrew. As long as I will it, Tommy lives. If you do not assist me in my task, he will die.”
“Assist you? You must be mad.”
“Not mad, merely insistent. Assist me or your mortal lover dies—horribly, I might add.
Without me to keep his body alive, he will become a hollow husk. He will shrivel up before your eyes, screaming in agony all the way.”
“Monster,” Andrew hissed, baring his fangs.
“Ha, look who’s calling the kettle black. Sophisticated, and oh so gentle when you drink mortal blood, but you are still vampire, still abhorrent in the eyes of most humans, still a monster .”
“Why do you wish to do Marcus harm?” Andrew knew that if he could play for a little more time his thoughts he sent out would be intercepted and a vampire, perhaps even Marcus himself, would come to his aid.
Dakar shrugged. “I am simply carrying out the task set before me,” he replied with a nonchalance that Andrew found remarkable.
Surely even demons as powerful as this one knew that a confrontation with Marcus and his loyal vampires would not end well. Dakar might be strong enough to inflict damage, but Andrew could not imagine that even demon power could overwhelm Marcus. And the thought of the wounds that might be inflicted on Tommy’s beautiful body sent a fury through Andrew he found hard to control.
Dakar grinned. “Kardis, the Lord of the Underworld, finds you vampires, and especially Master Vampires like Marcus Verano, to be too arrogant beyond your worth. Some time ago, Marcus and his cohorts thwarted Lord Kardis’ plans to rule this earthly realm by placing a demon of his choice on the Papal throne. For that insolence he and all those who abetted him, must perish. It’s as simple as that.”
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“Simple is hardly the word I would choose for the task set for you.” Andrew stared at Dakar, remembering that he had heard of this story from his friend Jared. “My friends told me that one of those who abetted Marcus was a demon like you.”
Dakar sneered. “ Constantine , a half-breed spawned in a petri dish and a traitor to his own father. He is to be dealt with, never fear.”
“I don’t think you have any idea of the kind of power Marcus wields,” Andrew said quietly. “I promise you, you will not walk away from the confrontation unscathed. But let me offer you this solution. Release Tommy, forget about the task Lord Kardis has given you and I will ask Marcus not