vampire romance,
paranormal romance,
vampire series,
werewolf romance,
young adult paranormal romance,
blood series,
werewolves vampires
Bernard. It would be an honor.”
“May I say that you look absolutely stunning, Miss.”
“Thank you, again, Bernard.” She grabbed his arm and they headed for the dining room. Sammy was waiting for them at the top of the stairs with his ball.
“Not now, Sammy. You’re going to trip me in these heels and that won’t go over too well if we have to make a trip to the hospital.”
Bernard chuckled as he led her down the stairs and into the dining room. At the door he stopped and all the gentlemen stood at her entrance.
“Darby, you look lovely. Thank you for joining us,” Dominic said. Bernard led her around the table to her seat, pulling it out for her, and handing her a napkin. He then returned to his duties in the kitchen. The men in the room all seated themselves.
Dominic introduced his son. “Darby, I would like to introduce you to my son, Anton. Anton, this is Miss Darby O’Rielly, Devon’s guest.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said.
“Likewise,” she responded. “How are you feeling this evening? Any better? It’s certainly nice to see you out and about.”
“I’m good, thank you for asking,” Anton said. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was very pale, even for a vampire. He looked about Devon’s age. His hair was lighter and much shorter, more or less a buzz cut. He was thin but muscular and she couldn’t tell in this lighting, but his eyes were either blue or green. With an arrogant air about him, and a stern expression, he was polite, but didn’t seem to be enjoying himself in the slightest. He showed absolutely no emotion during the conversation, much like Devon the last few days. She wondered if Dominic hadn’t forced this meal on him. She wasn’t sure if it was her company or Devon’s that bothered Anton more. She tried to ignore the unpleasantries and focused instead on Dominic’s funny anecdotes.
It was apparent that Devon was trying to be cordial to Anton, and Anton was trying to be pleasant back, but the tension in the room was thick. Dominic, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself, talking about the time when all three boys ran around, inseparable. He spoke of happy times when Abby and Nathaniel would come to visit with the boys. He also spoke of Sophia and how lovely she had been. So much death had befallen this family in such a short period, no wonder the house felt so cold, Darby thought.
Anton spoke. “Dad, I forgot to mention I spoke with Libby today and when she heard that Devon was here, she insisted on visiting. She should be here in a few days. Hope you don’t mind.” He smiled devilishly at Devon and the room went silent except for the crackling in the fireplace behind Anton.
Dominic broke the silence. “Do you think that is a good idea, Anton?”
“Why not? She’s family after all.” Anton smirked.
Dominic was displeased. Devon seemed to be fuming, but trying to keep it under control.
Darby asked, “Who’s Libby?”
Dominic looked down at his plate, not making eye contact, as did Devon. Anton answered almost joyfully, “Devon hasn’t told you? Libby is my wife.” Darby wasn’t sure what to make of Devon’s reaction to this. Dominic obviously had decided to stay out of it.
Darby said, “Oh, right! Blake said you had been married, he just wasn’t sure if you still were. I’m glad to hear you’ve made it through whatever turmoil you had experienced. Marriage is so hard this day and age. It will be so nice to have another gal around to talk to.” As she said this she looked around the room at the men’s expressions: Anton’s was amused, Dominic’s was horrified, and Devon’s was enraged.
What the heck is going on here? Darby thought. Anton, as if hearing her comment, shook his head, smirked, and laughed under his breath. Devon was none to pleased and it was at that moment that Darby tried to close her mind to all in the room. She wasn’t sure if she could be completely successful in a room full of telepathic
The Education of Lady Frances