Blood Warrior (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles #4)
her feet on the floor.
    I knew Luke didn’t want to say
anything to her about me, but she simply did not want to believe
what was right before her eyes and we were going to have to show
    He continued to explain about the
Hunters. “A large majority of the Hunters born into our race are
gifted with the ability to access the elements.”
    Again her eyebrow lifted,
    “ Show her,
    I knew this was coming before he asked
so I had already decided what I was going to do. I locked eyes with
her when she focused on me and turned my hand so that my palm was
up. The fire flowed through me, the heat swirling and building,
then suddenly a flick of flame appeared, sitting on my palm as if
it were the wick of a candle.
    She actually didn’t appear to be
phased at all. “I am from New Orleans, I know lots of people who
can do tricks like that.
    I glanced at Gavin and closed my fist,
squeezing the flame until it extinguished. He nodded, knowing
instantly what I wanted to do.
    My gaze went back to her. This time I
pointed my palm at the papers in front of her and threw a tiny fire
ball at them. The papers immediately went up in flames.
    “ Holy crap, my maps!” she
shouted and shot to her feet, looking to find something to put out
the fire.
    “ I’ve got it,” Gavin told
her in an even voice. His hand went up in the same manner mine had.
He focused his eyes on the glass in the center of the table that
was about three quarters full of water.
    The liquid rose from the glass and
sailed over the top of the table until it hovered over the small
fire. The beads and droplets merged together and dropped down onto
the flames, efficiently putting it out and leaving her map in a
charred heap of wet ashes.
    “ Oh. My. God.” She flopped
back into her chair and held her hand to her forehead.
    “ Believe us now?” I asked
her and then cast a smile over to Gavin as a thank you for helping
out with the demonstration.
    She didn’t answer right away, but
after a few seconds she looked up at Luke. “All right, let’s say I
do believe you. None of it explains why you are with that.” She
pointed at Anthony, who sat near Luke and had wisely kept his mouth
shut so far. “As a matter of fact, you being with him tells me
completely the opposite of what you are trying to convince me
    Drew finally decided to give Luke a
break from explaining. “Anthony, is very old and he knows of a way
to take out an entire vampire bloodline.” Drew leaned toward Sarah
and smiled. Boy, he was laying on the charm pretty thick. “Do you
remember those old tales about how if you kill the vampire then all
those he created will die too? Well, those are true. And it was
Anthony who found the sire of one of the three remaining lines. She
is here in New Orleans as we speak.”
    Sarah shook her head. “What? Three …
where are the, um … sires, of the other bloodlines?”
    His eyes didn’t waver from hers as the
lie rolled over his lips. “We don’t know where the other two are,
only the one. But, taking out even one bloodline can destroy a
large quantity of the vampires out there.”
    He wasn’t trying to protect Anthony,
he was trying to protect me. Since apparently, Trevor was of
Anthony’s line, that would make me a decedent of Anthony’s and
therefore at risk if Anthony were to die.
    If he were to tell the resistance
about Anthony being one of the Sires, Sarah would shoot him on site
and we couldn’t have that. Nope, not a good idea.
    Sarah chewed on her lower lip as she
thought about all we had told her. “All right. I don’t see any
problem with us helping each other out with a common goal. I
suppose, since you told us all about your little organization that
we should fill you in on what we are about.”
    I could practically feel the tension
in the room dissolve as Sarah announced her decision about
    “ But first, I’m putting
this right out on the table. I don’t like it at all that he is
here.” She pointed

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