BlueK Dynasty: The 1st Seven Days
standing behind them; and Kurma lay
at the foot of the couple. Quiet and shy, Kurma was the reclusive
one in the family. With her thick, long hair, sparkling eyes, and
radiant skin, she had always been beautiful, even though at times
she tried to hide it. Fae remembered she used to brush Kurma’s hair
at night until the girl fell asleep in her arms. Kurma’s smile
could light up a room back then, before the
    Fae stood up and walked
over to the picture. She smeared dust from its frame and saw a
clearer image of her family. That unity—she missed that. A tear
dropped from her eye onto the portrait, warm and thick. “Don’t let
this be real,” she whispered. She gripped the picture tightly as
she walked back to her twins and Carrboro.   
    It’s always the
    Knock ,   knock , and   knock . Quinn, flipping channels on the television and sitting next
to her infant daughter, heard the light raps on the door. She
usually didn’t have company this late. She glanced over at the wall
clock: half past ten. Santino, her son, should have been home by
then. Maybe he had lost his keys.   
    “ Chandra, get the door,” Quinn told her six-year-old daughter.
The girl hopped off the dining room stool where she sat and rushed
to the door. Quinn rose from the couch with her baby as Chandra
swung open the front door and hid behind it. Carrboro peeked
    “ Next
time, Chandra, ask who it is first,” Quinn instructed. “May I help
you?” she asked Carrboro.   
    “ Yes.
I’m with the South Alexandria police force. My name is Detective
Carrboro,” Carrboro said.   
    “ Um, do
you have a first name at least?” Quinn
    Carrboro seemed taken
aback. Women usually had a thing for him. “My first name is Smith,”
he replied. “What’s your name, if you don’t mind my
    “ Well, I
do. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on first?” Quinn put her
baby down on the couch and turned to face Carrboro. She placed her
hands on her hips and got into a comfortable stance. When it came
to the police, she needed to be prepared for anything. They only
came knocking after something happened. Quinn thought it had better
not be anything about Santino or that
    Carrboro stood in the
middle of the living room staring Quinn up and down. He didn’t mind
a little spice from time to time, and this lady was definitely
fiery. Carrboro liked his women petite and short like Quinn, so he
could pick them up and toss them around a little bit. Big women
weren’t his thing at all. He noticed her dimples, which didn’t need
a smile in order to show up. Her eyes were light brown, and stood
out against her jet-black hair. Carrboro thought she looked too
young to have so many kids.   
    “ Sir,
you were saying something.” Quinn spoke up so Carrboro would stop
ogling her. She hated men who stared. He probably was married
anyway; married men stared, and that was a
    Carrboro focused in and
remembered why he had come downstairs in the first place. “This can
go a lot easier if I could just have a name to start off
    “ Quinn.
Just call me Quinn,” she said quickly, then thought,
‘ and get to the damn
point’ .   
    “ Okay, I
can work with that. Quinn, when was the last time you saw your
    Quinn screwed up her thick
eyebrows and thought for a moment. “This morning, when I left for
work. He was taking his brother and sister to school as usual. Is
Santino in trouble? He hasn’t shown up here
    “ No,
ma’am, I don’t believe he is in trouble as of right now. We do need
him for questioning, however.”   
    “ Questioning for what? Do I need to call my lawyer?” asked
    This was what Carrboro had
been trying to avoid. As the case progressed, the facts became even
more distorted. When he had gotten the call for a homicide
incident, he had no idea there would be this many twist and

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