Borderland Betrayal
    Ellise gulped. Her words had been harsh but his unexpected presence and angry expression forced the insults from her tongue. How could she admit that she feared his rejection? And of course he would have rejected her. A captain and a thief? Imposible. Not to mention she dare not risk him witnessing one of her visions.
    He smirked. “Ah, a miracle indeed, I have silenced your bold tongue. Mayhap you will find it again so you can explain to me how you came to be in the position of lady-in-waiting to the lady of Thornewall.”
    Ellise twisted in his hold and he released her, a flicker of regret flying across his face. “I am experienced in herbs and childbirth. I assure you your mistress could be in no better hands. It happened that word of the position reached Durham so I travelled directly to apply for the role. My circumstances in Durham were not so good, if you recall.”
    “And what have you to say of your deceit? What is to prevent me from revealing you to be a fraud?”
    “There is no deceit. I am a lady. My father a knight, my mother of a noble Spanish family. Alas, I am a destitute lady, but noble blood runs through my veins nonetheless.”
    James’ shoulders dropped, the righteous stance of his body diminished slightly, though it did not make him any less impressive in his leather armour. And it did not help her forget about the body lying underneath it, either.
    “You are a noble?”
    “Why did you not tell me?”
    “What difference would it have made? I am poor. I have naught. My family’s name is all but gone. Would you not have taken my favours so readily had you known?”
    James swept a hand through his hair and Ellise swallowed. The chivalrous man no doubt regretted their night together and it made her heart ache, for she could not bring herself to regret a single moment, as sweet and as brief as it was. If only she saw just a fragment of that man now. Now he was all indignant anger and cold righteousness.
    “I would have helped, Ellise. If you had stayed around long enough, I would have helped. Regardless of your birth.”
    “You play on false pride and ‘tis unbecoming, for I much preferred the peasant lass to the noble woman who stands before me. Good day to you, my lady. I shall see you this eve at supper.” He spun away, boots grinding in the dirt and Ellise stared at his back as he disappeared through a rear door and into the kitchens.
    False pride? His words stung, but mayhap it was because he was right. Each word she’d spoken had been bitter and defensive. But his behaviour had been little better. Accusing her of deceit and questioning her words. Why did it rile her so much? James was right there, too. There were many things she still kept hidden.
    But she had no choice, did she? And it was far better that she maintained her distance from the striking Captain. She could not bear to disappoint him once more. If he even still found her attractive, she would not act upon it. It could only lead to heartache when she left. And she would leave eventually. As soon as she’d saved up enough coin, she needed to find a way to get her son back and track down her mother’s family in Spain.  What other choice did she have? If they stayed in England, her son would never be safe from his uncle’s clutches, and neither would she. That was what she needed to concentrate on. Not some beautiful knight.
    Crashing through the heavy hall doors, James stomped across to one of the trestle tables and poured a mug of ale. The drink sloshed onto the linen cloth and he knew he’d have trouble if any of the maids caught him making a mess before supper.
    He threw back the ale, the cool relief instantly soothing him. What a day. The heat made the men irritable and he’d broken up two scuffles. To add to that, he gained a decent sized bruise on his arm when he’d been distracted during weapons practice. Thank the Lord the sword had been wooden, or he’d be missing an

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