Born Again

Born Again by Rena Marks Read Free Book Online

Book: Born Again by Rena Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rena Marks
Aric’s soft
knock at her front door. She opened it to see him standing there, tall and
    A leather jacket, with a t-shirt underneath. He’d shaved and
was minus the sexy stubble that normally adorned his jaw. He looked crisp and
clean and tempting.
    Heat curled in her loins and spiked her temperature. Delicious,
familiar warmth that spiraled and grew, spreading temptingly through her body. That
was when she realized, it wasn’t fair to have sex with Beau and hold Aric off. She
had to have something to compare them, didn’t she?
    “I changed my mind,” she said, eyeing his sexy black t-shirt
and black slacks.
    His face was stricken for a minute and her heart clenched.
    “Just about eating,” she assured him, then stepped aside. “Come
in and take your clothes off.”
    His eyes gleamed as he stepped over the threshold. “Did you
say to take my clothes off?”
    “Yep. Remember how I said it was too soon?”
    “It’s later now.”
    “It’s about time.”
    He stripped, quickly and easily. He pulled his shirt up,
exposing a taut abdomen and inched it farther up until his defined chest was in
her view. Over his head and flung carelessly onto a chair went the shirt.
    He reached for his belt buckle and looked into her eyes as
he released it. A snap of his pants and they were pushed downward.
    She nearly sighed with satisfaction so focused on the beauty
of his body she barely remembered seeing his shoes and socks come off. His
underwear was dark, hugging and defining his tight body.
    Aric never hesitated. Looping his thumbs into the waistband,
he pulled them down, freeing the erection that grew even larger before her
watching eyes.
    Then he stood before her, unselfconscious with his nudity,
as if she’d seen him this way before.
    In all his natural beauty.
    “Wow. You are something to look at,” she complimented.
    Each cut of muscle was defined on him, not hugely muscled
like Beau but definitely there. Definitely powerful. His body was perfection,
which shouldn’t be possible when she considered Beau’s perfection and they were
so very different. Beau was hugely muscled and tanned, Aric was muscled but
sleek and pale. Not a sickly pale, but a creamy color that looked sexy with his
gleaming dark hair.
    He stood there, proud. She dropped her eyes down to the
trail of hair that tempted the gaze downward and his manhood sprang forth, long
and curved. The skin looked silky, velvety smooth over his hard erection. She
licked her lips, wanting to know the taste of it, the feel of it in her mouth,
the sounds he would groan as she sucked at him.
    There wasn’t any time to stare any more when he picked her
up easily into his arms and made his way to her bedroom.
    She began to fling her clothes off as he set her down, but
he stopped her, grasping her hands and holding them between his own. Slowly, he
helped her remove her clothing, button by button, an erotic dance that exposed
one tantalizing inch of skin at a time.
    It drove him wild to slow her down and she was still wearing
her panties when he crushed his chest to her breasts.
    Dark masculine hair rubbed against her nipples. His chest
had just the right amount, she thought, running her palm over him.
    His mouth slanted over hers, seeking and finding her tongue
in his quest.
    “Oh, Sara, how I’ve longed for this,” he muttered, as he
broke the kiss. He trailed a path of fire down to her breasts and she looked
down to watch him take one into his mouth.
    Her small, pink nipple disappeared between his lips and it
felt incredibly wet and warm. The sensations were spiraling deliciously from
the tip of her breast to the dark heated place between her legs.
    Lord, she was too excited. All that teasing with Beau earlier
had worked her up way too much.
    She pulled away from Aric and he looked up at her, puzzled.
    She pushed him onto his back and kissed her way down his
stomach. It was time to get him as hot as she was.
    She kissed around his navel and his

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