Bound Through Blood

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Book: Bound Through Blood by Alexis Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Kennedy
seeing the Gypsy couldn't wait, so she put off shopping until afterward.
    It was a dreary day, and when she stepped out the front door, she didn't even notice the black cat walk past her and around to the back of her house.
    On the way to Heloise's, Salena called her and learned she would not be home for a visit today, so it would have to wait. Heloise told her not to worry; they would do another reading soon.
    Feeling the need for the company of friends, though, Salena called up some girlfriends and invited them to dinner that evening. Then, needing to stock her refrigerator, she headed in the direction of the farmer's market.

Chapter 19
    Once inside the cover of her living room, where the curtains were closed, Devin shape-shifted back. He had to learn as much as he could about this woman before he visited her again, and would definitely be visiting her again, no matter who or what she is.
    He looked around her pristine home, admiring her choice of knick knacks and decor, before going to the drawer where he'd seen her put the family tree back. He took it to her kitchen table and flattened it out. He found her name at the bottom, Salena Saunders. Saunders... Alarmed, he hastily ran his finger up Salena's bloodline. There it was—Abigail Saunders. "They are blood relatives," he whispered to the empty room. He stared at the parchment in absolute astonishment; his truelove's blood flows through Salena's body, and he can taste it. He can also, for the first time in almost three hundred years, see his destiny again. She didn't know it yet, but Salena is his soul mate, his savior. It would be because it was meant to be. Abigail had found a way back to him.
    He walked through Salena's small and quaint house, taking in the scent of her with hungry nostrils. He smelled not only her perfume but also her essence—the pheromones that made her a woman, a desirable woman—and he couldn't get enough. The scent made his fangs ache and his pulsing manhood as well. He longed to hold her close, breathing in her fragrance to the fullest, before sinking his teeth in to taste her again. Those thoughts made him hungry beyond comprehension, and he needed to feed. But first, he needed to find her again. He needed to lay his eyes on his destiny, which has been brought before him once more.
    He headed in the same direction he'd seen her go earlier. Shape-shifted into a black hawk, it shouldn't take him long to find her, he thought, and he was right.

Chapter 20
    Salena was strolling through the farmer's market, picking out some fresh veggies for a garden salad when she felt something against her leg. Looking down, she discovered a black cat rubbing up against her. "Go, scoot," she gave the animal a light pat on its hindquarters. She likes cats, but her allergies keep her from having one. The stray cat moved away, but, before she knew it, it was back and rubbing again, purring so loudly that she could feel the vibrations on her leg. I will have to brush the pants before I wash them . Shrugging her shoulders, she returned to shopping.
    A rumble of thunder caught her attention, and, looking up to the sky, she saw thunderstorm clouds moving in rapidly. She paid the vendor and moved quickly on down the line, only pausing when a rain breeze carrying a musky scent—a familiar musky scent— blew past her. Looking around herself, she didn't see him—or at least whom she thought he was—lurking nearby. Brushing it off, she and the attached cat stopped at a flower vendor. She was looking at a bouquet of painted daisies when the first raindrops fell. Just as she was digging for her wallet, the downpour began, and she ran away, abandoning both the flowers and the cat.
    Safely inside a dry clothing shop, she watched the other market patrons making their mad dashes for cover as well, while the vendors were desperately trying to protect their wares. Since it appeared she would be in the store for a while, she decided to look at the clothes while there.

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