Breaking the Storm

Breaking the Storm by Sedona Venez Read Free Book Online

Book: Breaking the Storm by Sedona Venez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sedona Venez
Tags: Credence Curse#1
the noise. “Two beers.”
    Light smirked, grabbing her cup of beer as soon as he put it down. She sloshed her drink, pointing over at the two menacing-looking guys. One with blond hair, the other black. They eyed the crowd with disdain as they bulldozed through the people that were heading backstage.
    “Storm, check out the pretty auras on those two.”
    Odd, I'd seen them before. They were hanging outside of Knox's apartment, just watching. When I told him about them, he shrugged it off but got eerily silent.
    “I saw the skank known as Kaydee stomping away in a plume of anger. You two got into it again, huh?” Light stated flatly.
    I responded with a smirk. “Yep. This time I almost ripped her head off. That girl is loca in the cabeza. ” I grabbed my cup of beer, pulling Light through the crowd toward the front of the stage. “I'm getting weird vibes from her. From all of them.”
    Light looked at me sharply. “Weird like what? Other?” she whispered.
    “Maybe. I don't know.” I responded with frustration. Not willing to concede yet that my uncertainty was a crippling result of my adamant decision to have limited interaction with Others. As usual, totally ignoring the seriousness of the situation, Light swayed to the music, completely in her own world. Not that she would be able to provide any earthshattering insight. She was a fumbling mess when it came to anything that didn't involve partying, alcohol, or shopping. No, if I wanted help with this Other question, I’d have to eat crow and call Mom for a quick tutorial on identifying Others, which was a lesson that she insisted was necessary years ago. Shit! I hate when she's right.
    A spine-tingling warning ran down my spine, a sure sign of trouble on the horizon. “There's something going on. It could be plain paranoia, but I don't think so. Call it woman's intuition, but she's up to something.”
    Light leaned in close to avoid being overheard. “You know the solution to this, right?” She pointed her finger like a gun. I grabbed it quickly, looking around nervously.
    “Don't do that, Light,” I hissed. “We don't cast dark spells.” Well, that was technically true. We could. Well, I could. Light's spell-casting abilities were lacking at best. And mine, well, I've been told from birth that my potential abilities were up there with the very few gifted witches, which was something I chose to deny. There would be no using of witchcraft for me—ever.
    Light rolled her eyes. “Well, you need to do something about her. There are rumors circulating. Very nasty rumors that those two are not exactly over.”
    “So you're saying they’re still sleeping with each other?” I asked furiously.
    Light popped her hands on her curvy hips, giving me the stare-down. “You want to hear the truth, or get all pissed off like someone stole your fucking bike?”
    I sighed heavily. “The truth.”
    She touched me on the shoulder. “I think he's still fucking her.” She pulled my hair away from my face. I tried to pull away, but she held me still. “You asked for the truth. But there's one thing for sure; he really needs to cut her loose. She's dead weight.”
    I blew out with frustration. “I agree, but he has this ridiculous loyalty to her, something about her saving his ass.” I snorted. “I can’t imagine her saving anyone’s ass but hers.” I shrugged. “Anyway, she knows way too many of the music players. I hate her, but she's a fucking beast when it comes to the music business. If anyone can get him a deal, she can. The problem is that she wants him on a personal level too.”
    Light looked at me with concerned eyes. “And it doesn’t help that they’re fuck buddies. Damn, I hate when girls refuse to move on.” She took a sip of beer and winked at me saucily. “Her desperation can only mean one thing… that his sex game must be simply unforgettable.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Put it this way, he's really talented.” Well, as far as oral sex went. We

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