cluttering?One or two made signs—there was something they wished to learn. And their suggestion"—the hair onhis tail was bushed now—"was that they would havea painful way of asking. Die in battle when theycome, warrior, or face what is worse."
The Rattons were trying to force the door now.How long would the barrier hold?
Furtig tensed, ready to face the inpour when theweight of those outside would break through.
Foskattpulled himself up, one hand closing upon the caller,raising it to his ear. His eyes glowed.
"It comes! Gammage is right! The rumblers willserve us! Stand ready—"
Then Furtig caught it also, a vibration creepingthrough the stone flooring, echoing dully from the walls about them. It was unlike anything he had experienced before, though it carried some tones ofstorm thunder. It grew louder, outside the door, andonce more the enemy squealed in ragged chorus.
"Stand back—away—" Foskatt's husky whisperbarely reached Furtig. The stranger could not haveheard it, but, so warned, Furtig sprang, grasped theother's arm, and pulled him to one side. The strangerrounded on him with a cry of rage, until he saw Foskatt's warning gesture.
As if some supreme effort supplied strength, Foskatt was sitting up, the caller now at his mouth, histongue ready, extended as if he awaited some signal.Then—there was a squealing from the Rattons, whichbecame a hysterical screeching. These were notbattle cries but rather a response to fear, to a terrible,overpowering fear.
Something struck against the wall with a force thatcertainly the Rattons could not exert. Thudding blows followed, so close on one another that the noisebecame continuous. The door broke, pushed in, butthat was not all. Around its frame ran cracks in thewall itself; small chunks flaked off.
Together Furtig and the stranger backed away. NoRatton had sprung through the opening. The prisoners could see only a solid, dark surface there, as if another wall had been erected beyond. Still those ponderous blows fell, more of the wall broke away.
Yet Foskatt, showing no signs of fear, watched thisas if it were what he expected. Then he spoke, raisinghis voice so they could hear over the sounds of thatpounding.
"This is one of the Demons' servants from the olddays. It obeys my will through this." He indicated thecaller. "When it breaks through to us we must beready to mount on top. And it will carry us out of thisevil den. But we must be swift, for these servantshave a limit on their period of service. When this"—again he brought the caller their notice—"ceases tobuzz, these servants die, and we cannot again awakenthem. Nor do we ever know how long that life willlast."
There was a sharp crash. Through the wall brokewhat looked to be a long black arm. It swept around,clearing the hole. Instantly, at its appearance, Foskatt thrust his tongue into the opening in the cube.
The arm stopped its sweeping, was still, as if pointingdirectly to them. Behind it they could see the darkbulk of the nimbler, solid as a wall.
"We must get on it—quick!" Foskatt tried to risebut his weakened body failed him.
Furtig, at his side, turned to face the stranger.
"Help me!" He made that an order. The other hesitated. He had been heading .for the break in the wall.But now he turned back, though it was plain he camereluctantly.
Together they raised Foskatt, though their handling must have been a torment, for he let out a smallmewling cry at their touch. Then he was silent as theysomehow got him through the broken door, raised himto the back of the boxlike thing.
It had more than one of those jutting arms, all ofthem quiet now. And it was among their roots thatthey settled their burden. How the thing had arrivedthey could not determine, for they could see no legs.
But that it had come with ruthless determinationwas plain by the crushed bodies of the Rattons lyinghere and there.
Once on top, Furtig looked to Foskatt. How didthey now bring to life this Demon