in a dream.
They walked through the massive, hand carved double doors. The doors were perhaps 15 feet high, and had elaborately carved scenes in their panels, mostly of men hunting and packs of wolves howling at the moon, from what little she could see at her quick glance.
The foyer was as big as the entire first floor of her house, and on the other side of it, facing the doorway, were two huge spiral staircases. The floor was marble.
The shifting process reversed itself. He melted again, the fur sinking back into his smooth skin, ears shrinking and rounding, tail vanishing, and then he was a tall, handsome human again.
“Are you hungry or thirsty?” Kristofer asked as they walked through the foyer. “I can have a meal prepared for you at once.” He inclined his head at a handsome young man with dirty blond hair, who wore a white chef’s coat with two rows of button down the front. Caitlin thought he’d been sneaking looks at Twyla, but now he was totally focused on Caitlin, with a polite, attentive look on his face. “Pierre is our chef.”
“No, thank you, Pierre, I’m fine right now. Are you going to put your clothes back on?” she asked, still avoiding Kristofer’s eyes.
“Why? Am I distracting you?” She didn’t have to look at him to know he had that amused smirk on his face.
“Hardly,” she said huffily, folding her arms across her chest to hide her swollen nipples.
He leaned so close she could feel his warm breath against her ear. “Liar. I saw that. And we werewolves are very comfortable with our bodies. You can strip down too, if you like. I know I’d enjoy it.”
She could feel her cheeks flame with embarrassment. “No, thank you anyway.”
“Whatever makes you most comfortable. Let me show you our room.” He glanced at Elzbetka, Twyla and Taddeus, who’d been trailing along at their heels. “You won’t be needed for now.”
She followed him up the stairs and to the left, and then down a long hallway. Her feet sank into thick, rich carpet. Ancestral paintings in rococo-style gilt frames lined the walls. “Good lord. I could get lost walking to our room. Your room.”
“Our room.”
She stared up at the high doorway as they walked through it. “Why is everything so tall here?”
“I must confess that the Alpha’s home is fairly showy and is considered a representation of his pack’s prestige,” he said. “All Alpha’s homes are rather ostentatious.”
Well, at least he didn’t take the whole thing too seriously. She liked that about him.
No, I don’t , she reminded herself. I don’t like anything about him.
“And in keeping with that, we have a suite of rooms, not just a bedroom,” he said as they stepped through the door, gesturing at what looked like the living room of a huge luxury apartment. “There’s half a dozen rooms. Some Alpha Queens have a nanny sleep in a separate room in the Alpha suite, with their children.”
“Oh, I’d never do that,” she said without thinking. “The babies stay with me.”
“Good,” he nodded with satisfaction. “That’s how I feel too. Although I’d volunteer to sleep in the separate room with our babies if you wanted me too.”
“I didn’t mean that we – oh, never mind.” She stopped and put her hands on her hips. “Listen, Kristofer, I simply can’t stay here. I will lose my job if I stay here. I need to work.”
“You don’t need to work,” he said, looking puzzled. “I will provide for you. You have all the money that you’ll ever need.”
“My family needs the money from my job. You
Guillermo del Toro, Daniel Kraus