Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley

Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley by Marguerite Henry, Bonnie Shields Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley by Marguerite Henry, Bonnie Shields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marguerite Henry, Bonnie Shields
sound fade in utter homefulness.
    Molly peered from her bedroom window to see Sunshine rolling in his pasture. She smiled. Taking out her new diary, she wrote: Dear Diary,Brown Sunshine has affected everyone’s life for the good. Even Freddy Westover is looking taller and wiser, and more wonderful to me.
    I’m glad Pops gave me this diary. Now we have a record of Sunshine’s reign. I’ll read it to him whenever I want him to remember how famous he was, and is, to be King for a Day. I wonder if he knows how much he is loved?
    Somehow, I think he does!


    Misty of Chincoteague
    King of the Wind
    Sea Star: Orphan of Chincoteague
    Born to Trot
    Brighty of the Grand Canyon
    Justin Morgan Had a Horse
    Black Gold
    Stormy: Misty’s Foal
    White Stallion of Lipizza
    Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West
    San Domingo: The Medicine Hat Stallion
    Misty’s Twilight

First Aladdin Paperbacks edition May 1998
    Text copyright © 1996 by Marguerite Henry
    Illustrations copyright © 1996 by Bonnie Shields
    Aladdin Paperbacks
    An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
    1230 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY 10020
    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
    Also available in a Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers edition.
    Designed by Leslie Tane
    The text of this book was set in Baskerville Book.
    The illustrations are rendered in pencil.
    The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
    Henry, Marguerite, 1902-
    Brown sunshine of Sawdust Valley / by Marguerite Henry.
    p.   cm.
    Summary: Molly wants a horse of her own, but when her father’s mare gives birth to a mule, Molly changes her mind and raises the newborn.
    ISBN 0-689-80364-8 (hardcover)
    1. Mules–juvenile fiction. [1. Mules–Fiction.] I. Title
    PZ10.3.H43Bt   1996  [Fic]–dc20   96-21663   CIP   AC
    ISBN 978-0-689-80779-4 (pbk.)
    ISBN 978-1-4424-8809-0 (eBook)

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