Brutal Obsession (The Safeguard Series, Book One)

Brutal Obsession (The Safeguard Series, Book One) by Kennedy Layne Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Brutal Obsession (The Safeguard Series, Book One) by Kennedy Layne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Layne
Tags: Romance, Military
work product had been compromised, it would have caused her to file advisory notifications with the courts in all of the cases that data was suspected to have been affected. Judges were like old women when it came to losing control of the chain of evidence concerning their cases. It was a violation of their dominion and someone was going to pay the price. Of course, that would result in the courts’ bias turning against the U.S. Attorney’s Office and her as their advocate.
    With that said…it had still been one hell of a day for justice.
    “In my department’s defense, the attention this creature had been previously paying to you three months ago wasn’t nearly as threatening as these most recent escalations,” Jarod replied cautiously as he took a seat in one of the guest chairs after unloading a stack of bundled files onto the floor. The other chair was hopelessly buried and would take a shovel to clear. Ashlyn understood Jarod didn’t want her to press the issue of the lateness to which her plight was now garnering attention. “We went by clearly established protocol.”
    “For Christ’s sake, Jarod, are you already trying to mitigate the responsibility for your lack of response to my earlier warnings about this guy? Just shoot me now! Protocol didn’t stop this man from finding out where I lived and then watching my every move in my own home,” Ashlyn pointed out, practically forcing those words through her clenched teeth. She refused to be a victim like every damned defendant she interviewed. Nothing was ever their fault. According to them, everything would have been just perfect in their little slice of the world if the government had just left them alone. It was truly a damn shame it had taken this long to investigate the unwanted attention she’d been given early on. “For all I know, this pervert is sitting on my toilet watching me shower every morning and searching through my trash after I leave for work to garner hints on what to buy me for my birthday. A federal agent and our own IT people stopped by my office this morning and went through my computer. It appears the only place I’m being watched is in my own home and outside of these glass and metal walls. Which reminds me, I gave Agent Coulter access to all the emails I forwarded to your team to investigate. The most recent letters, too. Oh, and of course the small gifts sent to me over the last few months. I told him I had already given the items in question to your people, but he still wants them for evidence. I’m hoping this can be wrapped up quickly, because the Glasson case is coming to a close. Closing arguments should take place by the end of the week, and I don’t want to have to go through an evidentiary hearing with Judge Gilroy over the chain of custody of our forensic accounting files and the fourteen months of investigations and depositions of our expert witnesses.”
    “I requested that Victor take a look at your private security system and discuss any vulnerabilities with their technical support staff.” Jarod’s cell phone vibrated in his suit jacket, but he ignored it after a casual glance. As usual, he pointed out his awareness that she planned a long night in the office. Ashlyn didn’t react to his witless statement, for he understood the nature of this business and he certainly recognized why she would rather be here safe at work. She logged in long, hard hours and most of the resources she needed to complete that task were here in this building. “He’ll need access to your apartment and he’ll most likely want to walk you through whatever changes that will be implemented.”
    “I’ll see if Victor can arrange to be there first thing in the morning. Otherwise, he’ll have to schedule an appointment for the suspect to let him in and go over the changes with him,” Ashlyn replied with a tight smile, not willing to surrender the hours needed to prepare, construct, and rehearse her closing arguments. Okay, maybe she

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