Build Your Dream Body: Breaking the Lies and Myths of the Fitness Industry So You Can Build Lean, Hard Muscle and Shred Fat Using Simple and Proven Techniques That Get Results

Build Your Dream Body: Breaking the Lies and Myths of the Fitness Industry So You Can Build Lean, Hard Muscle and Shred Fat Using Simple and Proven Techniques That Get Results by Peter Paulson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Build Your Dream Body: Breaking the Lies and Myths of the Fitness Industry So You Can Build Lean, Hard Muscle and Shred Fat Using Simple and Proven Techniques That Get Results by Peter Paulson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Paulson
    Here is one of the most common mistakes to keep in mind:
    Going on a Starvation Diet
    While starving yourself can work in the very short term to drop a few pounds, it will eventually shut down your metabolism, which is the opposite of what you need to happen in order to reach your ideal weight and stay there.
    Not only will not eating enough calories shut your metabolism down, but your body will also start to store more fat, because, and you probably already guessed it, it will think it is starving. Along with storing as much fat as possible, your body will begin to eat its own muscles. This process is called catabolism and is definitely the opposite of building the strong solid muscles that you want to have.
    Thinking That You Have to Go "All or Nothing"
    When you think you either have to do everything perfectly, or not do it at all, you are going to fail. Sure, following the suggestions you will learn in this guide perfectly will assure that you get a body to die for. At the same time, give yourself a break!
    Instead of worrying about following the instructions as if you are performing brain surgery, just do your best. If you have a bad day, it does not mean you are doomed from having a great body, it just means you had a bad day. Get over it and make better choices the next day.
    Believing That "Fat Free" and "Sugar Free" Foods Will Help You Lose Weight
    Guess what? When you take one ingredient out of food, you have to replace it with something else. That "something else" is usually a chemical cocktail that is difficult to pronounce and will not do a thing to help you lose weight.
    Avoid pre-packaged foods and choose natural whole foods instead. There is no cheat that is going to help you get around the fact that real food is the best fuel to eat to get a healthy, sexy body.

Buying into the Latest Fad Diets
    The reason fad diets are "fad" is because of great marketing and nothing else. They work like a starvation diet; you will lose a few pounds and think the diet is working. Instead, you risk your health and end up gaining every pound back or more when you start to eat normally again. These types of diets are impossible and impractical to follow for the rest of your life.
    Eating as if You Are in a Race
    When you eat so fast your body cannot to keep up, you will not know that you have eaten enough until you have already overeaten. At that point, you are not going to be able to sustain any type of healthy weight level. Slow down, TASTE your food, and pay attention to when you start to feel full. Then stop eating.
    Being Miserable
    When you wake up every morning thinking you have to watch what you eat and worrying about feeling deprived, especially if you have been living on unhealthy foods, you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, make your road to fitness exciting by keeping your eye on the prize.
    “What prize?” you may be wondering.
    How do increased self-confidence, enhanced sex appeal, and the type of body that's worth taking care of sound to you?
    That is the prize we are talking about. When you get that, you can rest assured that when you see yourself in the mirror, or see that hot lady eyeballing you up and down, you are not going to go home and eat that whole box of doughnuts in one sitting.
    Not Rewarding Yourself
    Getting into great shape is hard work, and you deserve to pay yourself for doing it. Of course, having that dream body is going to be payment enough, but that is a long way off. Make sure and reward yourself along the way with taking a cheat day once a week to eat what you want.
    When you stay away from making these mistakes, you are going to be light years ahead of the game of getting into great shape.

Myths About Muscle Building
    Just as there are a plethora of dieting and fat loss myths to avoid in order to make sure that you can get in the best shape possible, you are also going to want to avoid the most common myths about muscle building.
    You Have to Work Out Every

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