Burning Eden

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Book: Burning Eden by Kelly Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Fisher
early in the morning to take care of the farm the best that they could; rarely did they come back in before dinner which was usually ready by about seven. Aunt Peggy and I would pack them a lunch to take with them the night before so they could continue to work throughout the day. They both came in every night very hungry, very dirty, and very tired. This wasn’t a huge farm but it wasn’t small either. They were short about three men to make the farm run smoothly. I had a huge amount of respect for both of them as they were basically breaking their backs to keep things going. I would try to show Cain that when he would finally come in after a hard day but he would just shoo me away and tell me I was being silly, he was doing what a man is supposed to do. I usually left him alone after that with his drink and he seemed quite content with that.
                  The kids would take turns making their way around the grounds looking for any of the diseased. Luckily they hadn’t found any so far and I hoped that would be the continuing theme. They also took turns teaching Maddie how to shoot. She caught on pretty swiftly which didn’t surprise me much given that Cain was her father. All three of them embraced their new position in this fucked up world. Maddie and Kairo took up Hannah’s attitude and the three of them pretty much became inseparable.
                  My mom, Aunt, and I did the housework. Cooked the meals, cleaned the house, and washed the clothes. It struck me how ironic it was that when this world turned in on itself we all went back to the way things used to be. The men did the manly things, the women took care of home, and the children were the foolish brave.
                  One late afternoon I was sitting on the porch peeling potatoes watching Wiley run after Tom and Gerry when I noticed an SUV coming down the dirt road kicking up a huge dust cloud behind it as it turned into my Aunt’s long drive-way. My heart dropped to my stomach and then it began to speed up. Could it be? Please say it was. I stood slowly letting the potato I was peeling and the peeler fall from my lap to the porch with a small thud. I began to quickly walk across the porch as I was almost down to the last step I saw Hannah, Maddie, and Kairo come from behind the house with their guns raised at the mysterious SUV. I then ran towards them, at the same time I saw Uncle Dave and Cain ride up on their horses, their guns also pointed at the SUV. The SUV finally stopped at the top of the drive-way and sat there quietly. I was still running across the yard trying to get to the SUV before it turned nasty. I finally made it and stood in front of the SUV. I looked over my shoulder through the windshield and saw the face I had been longing to see.
                  “Don’t shoot guys! It’s ok,” I say breathing hard. All three kids immediately put their guns away. Uncle Dave pointed his towards the ground but Cain continued to aim his at the SUV. “Cain, I said it’s ok, I know who these people are,” I yelled out now that I have caught my breath.
                  “Well who they hell are they?” he asked.
                  “It’s Jesse and his family.”

    Chapter 16
                  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
                  “It’s ok, Cain. I invited them here. They didn’t have anywhere else to go. Please, put down the gun,” I pleaded and he finally lowered his gun as he and my Uncle got down off their horses. Cain came to stand close beside me while my Uncle moved past me to meet up with Jesse as he slowly got out of the car. I knew he was scared and my heart broke. I had wanted him and his family to come here for safety, not to live in fear of my family. I took a step away from Cain.
                  “Well hello son, I’m Dave. That there is Kai, Maddie, and Hannah,” my Uncle said

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