Burning Flowers
the man carrying flowers into the shop. “Well, well, what’s going
on here?” her mother asked, as Clarke felt panic rising in her.
This was not the best time for her mother to show up at the shop.
The back was still clearly damaged, and there were no flowers; just
empty displays. She had to make up something and fast.
    “I’m just rebranding for some larger
clients. I just got a big contract with a woman who lives in that
gated community on Prairiedog,” she said, wringing her hands
nervously. Only her mother had the power to turn her into a
shaking, drooling idiot like that.
    “Mmhmm, is that so?” her mother asked,
walking around with her scrutinizing eyes. Clarke got the feeling
her mother didn’t believe her. Of course, her daughter would never
be good enough to land a client who was too high society, even for
her. How a lawyer got in with the rich and famous crowd still
baffled Clarke.
    Clarke was about to say something when Vince
came into the room. His mouth was open like he was about to tell
Clarke something, but Clarke discreetly shook her head at him as
her mother walked towards him, circling him like a hawk. “Who in
Heaven’s name is this?” her mother asked with narrowed eyes. Vince
was wearing torn jeans again and a tee shirt that probably smelled
like sweat and cleaning supplies. Clarke fidgeted in place,
wondering what to tell her mother. “Well, I’m waiting. Why is he
here? He surely doesn’t look like the type to work selling
flowers,” Mrs. Bennett commented with a cruel chuckle.
    Clarke walked over to Vince and squeezed his
arm, saying the first thing that came through her mind. “Vince and
I are sort of seeing each other. He just came over here for a quick
visit and to have lunch with me.” She felt Vince stiffen up and
said a silent prayer that even if it was just for the next 60
seconds he would go along with what she said.
    Clarke tried to smile genuinely as Vince
surprisingly put his arm around her. It almost took her aback to
the point of her giving things away. “I’m Vince. It’s umm, nice to
meet you Mrs….” He trailed off with the question and held out his
hand to shake.
    Clarke’s mother slowly extended her own
hand. Clarke watched, wondering when shit was going to hit the fan.
“It’s Bennett, and it’s Miss, actually,” she corrected, flaunting
her single status. Clarke’s mother still hadn’t remarried and
couldn’t keep more than a fling going, but that was probably
because under all the designer clothes and fancy wine parties was a
bitter old woman who resented having a child with whoever Clarke’s
father was.
    They shook hands for only a second, and
Clarke caught that glint in her mother’s eye that meant she was up
to something. “Well, it’s nice to see that Clarke is finally seeing
someone, even if it is so…casual.” She looked Vince up and down
like she was referring to him more than to the relationship.
    Vince’s jaw got tight like he could sense
what she might have meant too. This was getting way too personal
way too quickly. People didn’t really know about her mommy issues,
and Vince was not who she wanted to start with on letting people in
on them. But it looked like it was way too late for that thanks to
her big and fast mouth and slow brain.
    “You know, I’m going to a dinner party on
Friday evening. I was going to have you be there because the
Colemans said their son is coming with them, but it couldn’t hurt
to give him a taste of what he’s missing, right? Why don’t you come
and bring Vince with you? I’d just love to get to know him better.”
Clarke couldn’t tell if she was being conniving or if she was
actually flirting with Vince, but either way it made her stomach
churn. She needed to put a stop to this now before Vince felt the
need to go jump in front of a bus for ever meeting her.
    “You know, Mother, I don’t think Vince is
really into that sort of thing.” Vince put out his hand to stop
    “You know

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