Business: Phoenix #1

Business: Phoenix #1 by Zoe Danielle Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Business: Phoenix #1 by Zoe Danielle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Danielle
continuing with his
conversation, I see his eyes search for me in the mirror and we look straight
at each other and my heart stops still for a few seconds before he begins
pacing again.
    I take this opportunity to check my phone – I reach to get
it from the bedside table and switch it on. There are five missed calls – two
off Hannah from last night and three off an unknown number at early hours of
this morning. I check my text messages to find the following off Hannah:
    I can’t believe U took him home. Enjoy ;-)
    So how did it go last night…? Was he good? Let me know
when he has gone back to the hotel and I’ll come over x
    You’re still fucking aren’t you? You rabbit. X
    Ring me when you can x
    I laugh out loud and shake my head once I finish reading
her texts; I click on her name and press call.
    “About time as well, what time is it? Tea time?!” Hannah
puts on her annoyed voice. I try to hold in my laugh. I can picture her with
her hand on her hip and her brow furrowed.
    “Sorry mother, I’ve been busy.” I shoot her this line
simply to see what her reaction would be.
    “I knew it! You fucked him didn’t you?! What was he like,
is he big? I’m coming over right now, get the kettle on, in fact no, put some
champagne in the chiller.” I try to get a word in but I can’t – she doesn’t
stop for air.
    “Calm down Hannah!” I laugh. “Look – I’m busy; I was just
calling to see if you can cancel my meetings for the next couple of days, I’m
going to be away from the office.”
    “He’s still there isn’t he?” She asks in disbelief – I can
imagine her face now. Eyes wide, mouth gaping.
    “Yes-I’m going to London with him for a couple of days,
can you hold the fort please?” I say matter-of-factly.
    Sensing the change in my tone, she pulls herself round,
“Of course I will, Case, you know that” I can hear the smile in her voice.
“Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” And with that we end the call.
    Is there anything she wouldn’t do?

Chapter Eight
    The first day spent in London has been so much fun, it
really was nice to let my hair down and enjoy some time off with Matt. We
didn’t really get bothered too much; just the odd photo request. I think we
would have been stopped a lot more if we were in America, Matthew Jackson isn’t
a big name over here just yet but given time I have no doubt it will be.
    Matt planned the day for us, first we went on the London
Eye, he paid extra for us to have a private capsule, and this was a perfect
opportunity for us to chat and get to know each other more by continuing our
game of ‘ten questions’ which seemed to turn into ‘twenty questions’.
    Next he arranged a car to take us to London Zoo. We had so
much fun strolling around hand in hand. We stayed back to watch the bird show,
tigers live, and penguin beach live, we also watched a spider talk show – I
don’t know if Matt noticed but my eyes were closed for the majority of that.
    The extras he added on must of cost a small fortune – I
offered to pay my way but he declined each time.
    The majority of the ride back to the Corinthia hotel is
silent. Matt is sat looking intently at his phone before he starts typing
furiously. He looks annoyed, what with I’m not sure but I decide to give him
some time, when he is ready to speak he will.
    I look out the window and take in all the sites; I should
really come to London more often. Especially to shop, I type a quick text to
Han –
    Hope everything is well there, had a brill day today,
will update you when we’re back x
    Within a few minutes there is a reply waiting.
    Glad U are having fun, everything is going smoothly here;
see if Mr. Lover has a friend for me, maybe we could double date. Ha ha. TC x
    I put my phone back into my bag and stretch my legs out in
front of me. It’s the first time in a long while I have been able to wear jeans
and UGG boots – normally I wear business attire so it is nice to wear

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