By the Magic of Starlight (The Forbidden Realm)
glittering in the moonlight and finally fading as it settled on the undergrowth around them. They waited. By the Skies, nothing happened!
    Raea shook her head. “No good. Your wishing privileges must have been revoked—they probably found out you’ve escaped!”
    “Damn! I didn’t realize they could do that.”
    “I didn’t, either. I thought it was nothing more than rumor, an idle threat to keep everyone in line. Maybe not, though. There’s no other reason my dust didn’t work—your wish simply won’t take.”
    “What about you? Can you make the wish?”
    “If the council can dampen your magic, they can dampen mine, as well. Or worse. They can track me! I’m a registered Wish Fairy; they could let me keep my magic and then track me as soon as I start granting wishes.”
    “They can do that, too?”
    “Wishes granted for humans during our regulated shift times are routinely logged, just for record-keeping purposes,” she explained. “I’ve never heard of the council monitoring wishes within the Realm among ourselves, though, but they do have the ability.”
    “So you’re saying that if you make us larger, they can track us and find us.”
    “They might. Do we take that chance?”
    And give Swift the proof he needed to bring charges up against Raea as well? Hell no. They’d just have to keep their hands off each other for a while.
    “I can’t endanger you that way,” he said, his desire for her becoming an agonizing ache already. “We need to control ourselves.”
    “But it’s so hard,” she protested. “I don’t know why, but the longer we are here the more I want to touch you, to feel you inside me again! It’s strange how much I want you right now, Kyne.”
    He had to agree. He’d always found her appealing, wanted to make love to her long before they ever did, but right now what he felt was unusually strong. He craved her like a starving man craved a meal. His body was virtually humming with this longing and he didn’t know how long he could go before giving in to it. The craving was becoming nearly unbearable.
    “I want you, too, Raea. More than I ever have. I can’t understand it, but it feels… unnatural.”
    “Maybe it’s just because we know we can’t do this, and that makes us want it more?”
    “I don’t think I could possibly want you more.”
    “Then take me, Kyne. Who knows how much longer we’ll have together? Let’s make the most of it now.”
    She had an excellent point. Excellent breasts, too. He reached for her, pulling her tightly against him and kissing her. He started at her lips, but quickly moved down to her neck, to her delicate collarbone, then to the soft valley between those wonderful, excellent breasts. Her feathery clothing brushed aside easily. That was good; if it hadn’t cooperated, he’d have ripped it right off her body.
    He wanted her like a raging torrent. That she was willing, clinging to him with desperation that matched his, only made him harder, more eager to claim her again. And again. Just now it seemed that no amount of kissing or stroking or plunging inside her could ever slake this burning heat inside him.
    By the Skies, he was going to give it his best shot, though.
    “We’ll just have to remember not to let this go all the way to completion,” he murmured between kisses. “I won’t let myself come with you, Raea.”
    “All right, but we can certainly do everything else, can’t we?”
    “You’d better believe we can,” he assured her.
    There was no way he would waste another minute. It was almost as if some wild, primitive instinct drove him now. It seemed, actually, to come from somewhere outside him, somewhere in the very forest around them. But he didn’t care.
    All he knew was that he wanted Raea, and she wanted him. Perhaps he couldn’t do this the way he might prefer to, with half-crazed animal abandon, but he could sure as hell make her scream his name to the skies. He leaned her back into the bed of leaves that

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