couple stopped in between two planters, the sparkling San Francisco Bay behind them. They held each other close as they posed for Andrew to take the shot. Andrew fumbled with the camera briefly, then found the right setting and took a few shots. The couple thanked him repeatedly. He nodded and handed the camera back to the man before going inside.
He smiled as he sat down at his table. It was always this way. Disgustingly cute and romantic couples always managed to make their way to him for photos when he was down in this hotel lobby. If nothing else, the Gods had an odd, mocking sense of humor.
He was looking out at the water when Sansbury reached the table and put his hand on Andrew’s shoulder.
“Andrew, it’s great to see you, son,” he greeted him.
“Good morning, Dr. Sansbury. Nice to see you too.” Andrew stood up and shook his hand before they both sat down. “Would you like some breakfast?”
“I’ll have a coffee. I ate earlier this morning.”
“Sounds great.” Andrew waved at the server. She came over and got their orders. “So how has the feedback been?”
“On your lectures? Great so far.”
“Good to hear.”
“Thanks again for stepping in on such short notice.”
“Happy to help.”
“But that’s not why I’m here.”
“Not a chance. This immune targeting research project is expanding. We need more talent on our team. I was hoping I could convince you to join me.”
Andrew hesitated. “I’m really honored for the invitation, Dr. Sansbury. The work sounds quite exciting. I just can’t make that kind of commitment. Not right now.” He looked away. He knew Sansbury read him like a book, so he didn’t bother lying. “I still don’t do too well when I’m away from the cottage.”
“You seem to be doing just fine.”
The server brought their coffees on a silver tray with milk, cream, sweeteners and sugar.
Andrew shrugged after the server left. “I’ve been here for two days and I’m heading back tonight. I can’t even last a week, otherwise I’d stay in town for the final lecture next Tuesday.”
“Are you sure I can’t refer you to someone?”
“You mean a therapist?” he said softly, even though no one else was in their section of the restaurant.
“Yes. I can get you someone who’s very discreet. She works with several of the faculty members. As a matter of fact, I believe she has quite a few doctors among her clientele.”
“I don’t think—”
“Don’t dismiss it yet,” he said, tilting his body slightly to reach into his pants pocket. “Here’s her card. Just think about it.”
“Thanks. I will.”
“Good, although I seriously doubt you’ll go.”
“You know me well, I guess.”
“Yes. And I hate seeing you stuck. Look, Andrew. I’ll tell you a story. A few years ago, one of my adjunct professors was driving back from a jet skiing trip down in Tijuana. He was with his three sons. It was late at night when they got home. And of all things, they walked right into a home invasion taking place at their house. William, my professor, was immediately shot in the abdomen. Thankfully, his three boys were behind him, and ran away to get help.
“The ambulance and police arrived within minutes. And William just barely survived, although now he needs dialysis. For almost three years, William refused to see a therapist. He returned to work within months of the incident. He and his three boys were still living in a hotel after it happened. When his performance at work began to deteriorate, we sent him to this therapist. We had to force him. But within six months he was back in his house.
“And today, even after all that therapy, he still walks into his house through the side door. He has never used his front door after that night. But he’s back home. And his boys are happier.
“Maybe that story isn’t as relevant as it seemed when I thought I’d share it with you. But what I will tell you is things may never be the same, but