Cage (Dark World Book 1)

Cage (Dark World Book 1) by C.L. Scholey Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Cage (Dark World Book 1) by C.L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. Scholey
needed to be hard and cold and fearless, outside his home. Inside, he wanted the caresses, the hugs, a kiss to his forehead once in a while.
    Yes, this bad ass could use a hug every now and again.
    It would never be now. A stolen female would hate him, she would hate their offspring. Everything had changed. His poor son would only know affection from his father, and Cage wasn’t certain he knew how to give it. He had been eager for his son to be loved by his mother. Cage wanted the best for his offspring, now his poor babe would be deprived. Perhaps the human female would be grateful if he spared her, and she could love the child. If humans could love, some aliens weren’t capable. Cage would have to ask her.
    “I will permit the human female to live with me. I agree to protect her, she may prove useful. She will not be my son’s mother, but she will be allowed to be a close second. Inform the warriors of my decisions.”
    Zenon nodded. He turned and left.
    Cyra was calling to him. When he went into the room she was seated on a mound of furs, Cage’s bed. Her feet were bare, as were his; Cage had tossed the ugly encumbrances encasing her feet she called boots. Even the name for the item was distasteful. Her pink skin wasn’t really unpleasant; it was different, not breathtaking, not unattractive. Her ankle was swollen and many different colors. In places where her covering was torn there was more bruising. Cage didn’t like those colors, they were angry, mean. For a moment, he felt sympathy and the emotion surprised him. He smelled her fear as she gazed up at him. Again his mind swirled with certain creatures. She was wondering what he would use to frighten her with.
    A strange swimming thing formed in his mind. A water creature. Long and grey and sleek with a mouthful of huge teeth. Something told him if he experimented on that form near her, his bed would be soaked in urine in seconds. He had encountered warriors who soiled themselves from fear, but this female took it to a whole new level. Leave it to him to find a female with a nervous bladder. He would have to control her liquid intake when practicing.
    Cage sat on the edge of the bed. She wasn’t a revolting creature. Her looks were growing on him even after this short time. He supposed it was because she was unthreatening, tribe leaders tended to dip toward leniency with weaker species. Keeping her around, he supposed he would get used to her. Her dark hair was in disarray but thick with a few curls. Her eyes were dark brown and wary. She was curvy, but different from their females. She had two round breasts, not one large rectangle rounded mound on her chest for nursing. The articles of clothing covered her femaleness; it was unheard of on his planet. How was she to attract a mate while clothed and colorless? Her mate would never seek out her scent, nor would the warriors who followed him.
    Her looks were odd, but they did draw him closer. Her hands were so tiny compared to his. His mother had been little, like Cyra. Her features weren’t as pronounced as his. Cage had seen his reflection numerous times. He was huge, everywhere. His jaw was square, his nose suited his face. He inched closer and wrinkled his near-perfect nose. It was a shame she smelled so bad. Cage wasn’t certain if it was the pee or if all humans stank.
    Cage could see the pulse at her neck beating. She was sweating. She swallowed hard as he neared. Dots covered her bare arms; there were larger red blotches in a few places drawing his interest. Cyra appeared capable of some coloring; the manifestation was apparently geared to her emotions, as with their own females. She was frozen to the spot. He could smell her fear. Pee was imminent. He had an idea.
    “We have pets on my world,” he said keeping his deep voice calm. “Do Earth creatures have pets?”
    In seconds, he pictured the tiny animal. Cage almost laughed. That’s a pet? The teeny being looked like a

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