Call of Sunteri (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 2)

Call of Sunteri (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 2) by Missy Sheldrake Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Call of Sunteri (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 2) by Missy Sheldrake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Sheldrake
again.” I look up at the prince’s carriage which is several lengths ahead now, and curse under my breath.
    The wind whips my cloak as I press my heels into Pearl’s haunches to quicken her pace. Rian keeps up and behind me I hear the rest of His Majesty’s Elite rush to match my pace. The Elite is my parents’ guild. It’s a small company, hand-picked by His Majesty King Tirnon to carry out various quests and tasks. Rian’s mother, Mya, is the leader. He and I grew up side by side, often spending the weeks while our parents were away dreaming of this precise moment, when we could join them on the road to adventure. He passes me and looks back, and his grin makes my heart flutter. It’s only recently that our feelings for each other have grown into something more than friendship. I worried that our affections would fade in the months following our adventures in Kythshire, but if anything our feelings have grown stronger.
    The air is milder now that we’ve breached the crest and started downhill on the winding mountain roads. The rear window of the carriage is open to the fresh breeze, and Princess Amei looks back at us and waves. Prince Eron dozes beside her, his head resting on a thick pillow propped against the carriage wall. I wave back with my free hand and then switch the banner and flex my fingers. Rian notices.
    “Want me to take it?” he asks.
    “Not yet,” I say. Riding point for the guild is an honor I have dreamed about for years. Even after a full day of riding with both wrists aching from the effort, I’m not ready to give up our banner just yet.
    A single rider thunders past us from the front of the line and falls into step beside Mya. His name is Fenston, the Captain of the Guard.
    “The forest is thinning,” he says to Mya with his usual stern tone. “We’ll be reaching the crossroads soon. The Inn at Westhaven is expecting us around sunset. We’re keeping good time but it wouldn’t hurt to quicken your pace some.” He looks ahead at me and I duck apologetically.
    “Ooooo, you got in trouble.” Flitt giggles. “Such a funny thing, traveling so slowly and still being concerned with the time.”
    “We’re not in Kythshire,” I push the thought to her. “We can’t just pop from here to there.”
    “Too bad,” she teases. I squint my eyes and risk dropping the reins to rub my temples. I don’t like this Half-Realm talking, as Flitt calls it.
    “ The headaches go away after a while ,” Rian’s voice echoes in my head. I groan.
    “Not you, too,” I say. “Can’t we just,” I lower my voice as the Captain passes us, “talk? Out loud? Like normal people?”
    “It could come in handy,” Rian says. “I think it’s fascinating.”
    “You would,” I tease, “Mage. I’m taking a break from it for now. I don’t like it. It distracts me.”
    “All the more reason to practice.” Flitt again. I roll my eyes and trot up closer to the back of the carriage where Amei is watching the columns of soldiers on horseback ahead of us.
    “All right, Your Highness?” I ask.
    “Did I hear him say we’re nearly there?” the princess asks me with a sweet smile.
    “Nearly,” I reply. She reaches for her husband’s hand and squeezes it, and he blinks awake. I watch the two exchange a smile and then he turns and sees me. A curt nod is all he gives me in greeting, and that’s just fine with me. I bow respectfully and put some distance between us. A casual conversation with Amei is one thing, but I’ve learned to keep a safe distance between myself and the prince.
    As soon as the forest thins and the fields open up on either side of the road, we’re greeted by a sprinkling of subjects who I’m sure have been waiting most of the day to see Their Highnesses ride past. They cheer as the carriage comes into view and bow when we pass by. They call out blessings and well wishes for the baby Amei carries, the new heir of Cerion yet to be born. I sit a little taller in my

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