Camp Confidential 09 - Best (Boy)friend Ever

Camp Confidential 09 - Best (Boy)friend Ever by Melissa J. Morgan Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Camp Confidential 09 - Best (Boy)friend Ever by Melissa J. Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa J. Morgan
you’ll be in 704 with Sophie. And the rest of you will be next door in 706 with me. Everyone from camp will be on the same floor.”
    “Cool, we’re going to rule the place!” Alex pumped her fist in the air.
    “Yes, we are,” Becky agreed. “But we’re going to do it without disturbing the other guests.” She glanced around the room, making sure to look every girl in the eye.
    Priya didn’t have to worry that. The only way she might disturb anybody is if one of the extreme challenges accidentally got a little loud. But there wouldn’t be any challenges on the trip unless she could somehow figure out a way to make everything normal with Jordan again.
    “You should all have signed up for your activity choices by now,” Becky continued. “Some of the activities have tour guides, but guides or not, there will always be at least two Lakeview chaperones with every group. Sometimes you might have me or Soph, but if not, there will always be someone from camp with you if you have any problems. I don’t have to tell you to listen to them like you listen to me.”
    “And maybe a little better than you listen to me!” Sophie added as she joined the group.
    “So, it’s breakfast, then bus—” Becky began.
    “Then Washington, D.C., here we come!” Valerie yelled.
    Priya had been looking forward to this trip since the minute it had been announced. But now when she thought about D.C., she thought about a situation she had no idea how to deal with. A big, icky, and, yeah, scary situation.

    Priya climbed on the bus. The bus to the big icky scary.
    Her mother was big on self-help books and Dr. Phil to help her deal with her problems. Priya didn’t have any self-help books on her, and Dr. Phil wasn’t on the bus. But Natalie was, and Natalie had been going out with Simon since last summer. Two summers with the same boy. That had to make her a relationship expert, right?
    Priya didn’t know Natalie that well. But Priya was desperate. She rushed down the aisle, threw her backpack in the overhead rack, and threw herself down in the seat next to Nat.
    “Hey, Priya,” Natalie said, sounding a little confused. “Actually . . . I was kind of saving that seat for Simon.”
    “I know,” Priya answered. “I mean, I figured. But I need help. I need you to be my Dr. Phil.”
    Natalie laughed. “Should I start pulling out a bunch of my hair? Or can I be your Dr. Phil without the almost-bald part?”
    Priya forced herself to smile, even though nothing seemed funny to her today. “All I need is the good advice part.”
    Simon headed toward them. “Can you find someplace else to sit—just for a little while? Priya and I need to talk,” Natalie asked.
    “Okay.” Simon continued past them and grabbed a seat a couple rows back.
    “Thanks,” Priya said.
    “Hey, I love to give advice. What’s more fun?” Natalie joked. “It’s a lot better than getting it. So what’s the up?”
    “The up is that Jordan wants me to be his girlfriend,” Priya said, without taking a breath, without giving herself time to wimp out. “So what am I supposed to do?”
    Natalie raised her eyebrows. “Well, what do you want to do? Do you want him for a boyfriend or—”
    “No. No, no, no. Never in a million years,” Priya interrupted. “He’s like my brother. Almost.”
    Natalie held up both hands like a traffic cop signaling cars to a stop. “All righty then. Question answered. Now I have another one. Did he come right out and tell you he wanted to be your boyfriend?”
    “Not exactly,” Priya admitted. “I hinted around—’cause I had to, had to, had to know or I was going to go insane. And he hinted back. But it was totally clear.”
    “Totally clear hint. Mmm-hmm,” Natalie repeated. “Did you hint that you wanted to be his girlfriend?”
    “Wait, here he comes.” Priya watched as Jordan headed toward them.
    “Want me to save you a seat in the back?” Jordan asked her.
    “No. Nat needs some advice. I better stay

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