Capital Bride

Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Woolf
first time.”
    “I told you that I haven’t made love since before MaryAnn was born. Well, the truth is, I only made love that one time. Her father was called up unexpectedly and we only had the one time. That was all it took for me to get my MaryAnn.”
    “No wonder you’re so tight. You’re basically a virgin. That’s not bad.”
    “You don’t mind?”
    “Good grief, no. I feel honored to be able to teach you about lovemaking. And I believe you’re going to be a good student.”
    “Because I have a good teacher?”
    “Flattery will get you…everywhere.”
    She smiled and took a deep breath. “This is nice. Laying here together and talking afterwards.”
    “It is. But now is the time for sleep. Tomorrow comes early.” He got up and put out the kerosene lamp.
    Sarah rolled away to her side of the bed and got under the covers. Even with them over her, she felt cold and bereft.  
    John got back in bed, moved over and spooned with her, his arm gathering her close.
    She sighed. Content.
    * * *
    She awoke to kisses on the side of her cheek.
    “There you are. Awake at last. It’s time to get up and start the day.”
    “It’s still night.”
    “Not on a ranch. Work starts for me and the men at daybreak. You need to get cooking breakfast. Now don’t turn over and go back to sleep.” He grabbed the covers and tore them off her.  
    She turned over and grabbed them trying to bring them back up.
    “Oh no, you don’t.” He swatted her on the butt. “Get up. You have to find clothes to wear remember.”
    Sitting up on the side of the bed she yawned and then stood. “You’re right. Luckily this is my trunk and there should be something in it close to the top that I can wear.” She got up and put on her bloomers and chemise, ever mindful that he watched her every move. “You’re staring at me like a starving man and I’m your next meal.”
    “You are my next meal. The only meal for which I hunger.”
    She knew she blushed, but there was something about the man that kept her hot and flushed all the time. She could easily fall in love with him. Maybe already had. But now she needed to get dressed and out before she begged him to make love to her again.
    Out of the trunk she pulled a black skirt and pink and white striped shirtwaist blouse. It would serve her well for the work she had in front of her today. She would get breakfast on and then sit down with Bertha to discuss a schedule for the housework.
    Breakfast for fifteen people is no small affair especially when eleven of those are hardworking men who need a lot of food to sustain them. She started off with eggs and biscuits, bacon and sausage, pancakes with jam and butter, oatmeal, and finally coffee. All of them ate like they were starving. There was not a scrap left over when they were done.  
    After breakfast, she started a pot of beans with the ham she found in the larder. She asked Bertha to peel potatoes, turnips and carrots for a beef stew. She’d leave these on the stove for the men to eat when they took breaks. She also made another batch of biscuits and some cornbread. Then she started on the dessert baking. She’d checked the pantry and the cellar for fruit and found some canned peaches and blueberries. They’d be perfect for pies and a couple of cobblers. Some for supper tonight and some for breakfast tomorrow. At the rate these people ate, she was going to have to make a trip to town for supplies.  
    She wondered if John would be able to take her since she didn’t know how to drive a team yet. Or maybe she and Bertha could go if Bertha could drive. They could take the girls and make an outing of it.
    John told her he’d be working in the barn for most of the day so she walked out there.
    The barn was painted a dull red and had big double doors on both ends. This end also had a regular door which she entered through, thankful she didn’t have to try and open the big doors.
    “John. John are you here?” she called out.

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