Captured: Hunted Love #3

Captured: Hunted Love #3 by Aden Lowe Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Captured: Hunted Love #3 by Aden Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aden Lowe
and try to call again. Rita took a moment to dig out her heavier jacket. The old worn denim one with no sleeves she'd put over her corset that morning did nearly nothing to help. She should have taken a moment to put on a more suitable shirt before they left, but hadn't wanted to sacrifice the time. Her luck, Falon would have left without her. And she simply could not allow that. She needed more time with him.
    Marginally warmer, she started dialing while Falon checked the bike over. The last number on her list, another one for Holt Cutting Horses rang several times before a harsh noise made her draw the phone away from her ear.
    "Sorry, dropped. Holt Cutting Horses. Can I help you?" The male voice on the other end sounded a bit annoyed.
    Heart pounding, Rita stammered a moment. Why hadn't she planned what to say if someone answered? "Uh… I'm looking for Kate Holt?"
    "Miss Kate ain't around right now, ma'am. Can I take a message?"
    She turned to Falon for help but he was nowhere in sight. Deep Breath. "Okay, let me start over." The story didn't lend itself to shortening, so she ended up giving him all the details they had.
    The man was silent for so long she started to think he'd hung up on her. "Ma'am, any other day, I'd think you was some loony and hang up. But yesterday morning, Miss Kate rode out with Jakob to check one of the herds. Her horse came back a few minutes ago. Alone and still saddled."
    "So you do know Jakob Barger?"
    "I do a little. Can't say I trust him but I knew his Uncle Frank and he was a good man." The man coughed a little. "With Miss Kate's horse coming home like that, I know something happened. I have men gearing up right now to search for her."
    To her relief, Falon approached, and it only took a moment's explanation to get him on the phone with the man. Fifteen minutes later, he ended the call and gave Rita's phone back.
    "Well, at least now the guy isn't so certain Jakob did away with his 'Miss Kate'." Falon's derisive laugh drew the attention of a couple with a young child as they walked by. "Apparently Miss Kate is quite impressed with my old buddy and her foreman isn't all that happy about it. Anyway, we're still six or so hours from Jakob's place and another three from where he is at Holt's."
    Rita let her head drop back to stretch her neck. "Do we have a plan?"
    "Since it's that far, as much as I'd like to just push on through the night, I guess we should lay over. The tourist info thing says there's a town at the next exit with several motels. We can grab something to eat and get some rest, then start fresh in the morning. Sound okay?"
    "Yeah it does. I could do with a hot shower, too." No doubt her relief came through in her voice, but at the moment, she didn't care.
    Falon smiled. "Me, too. And I can't wait to get that sexy thing you're wearing opened up."
    She drew a blank for a second. "Oh, my corset? I should have changed but didn't figure I had time. I put it on trying to be sexy for you."
    He drew her close to trace one finger along the upper curves of her breasts. "I've wanted to do this all day."
    "Well, you can't now. We're in a public place."
    He drew back with a pained sigh. "I guess that means you won't let me taste right now, huh?"
    Her nipples hardened at the suggestion and denying him wasn't easy. "You'll just have to wait." She leaned for a quick kiss. "Now, stop teasing me and get me to that motel."
    "Yes, ma'am." He laughed and delivered a light smack on her ass.

Chapter Eight: Falon
    As soon as the motel door closed behind them, Rita shed her jacket and loosened her hair to fall in tangled waves around her shoulders, then dropped a handful of condoms on the bed. When she started to pull off the denim vest, Falon caught her hand.
    "Uh-uh. I'm doing this." The ride from the rest area had been sheer torture, imagining undressing her. His half-hard cock had been caught in a fold of his jeans and incredibly uncomfortable.
    She stood and waited as he gave in to the temptation

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