Careful What You Wish For

Careful What You Wish For by Shani Petroff Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Careful What You Wish For by Shani Petroff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shani Petroff
Everyone got silent. “Courtney, Jaydin, and Kyle.”
    There were a bunch of groans. Kyle pounded his fist into the air and yelled “Yes,” and Courtney and Jaydin actually squealed. And not tiny ones, either. It was like they just won a Teen Choice Award and an actual Jonas Brother was handing them the surfboard trophy.
    â€œCourtney,” D.L. said, running his hand through his hair.
    â€œWhat?” She looked annoyed that he’d interrupted her before she had a chance to give her big acceptance speech. And Courtney was no Taylor Swift. She’d put anyone in their place.
    â€œAren’t we working together?” D.L. asked.
    â€œWe don’t need to do everything together. I’m working with Max.”
    â€œThen what am I supposed to do?” D.L. asked.
    Courtney shrugged her shoulder. But Max gave him an answer. “Join the nerd herd.” He gestured toward me and Gabi.
    â€œYeah, right.” D.L. said. Instead, he tried to team up with a group of guys in the back. But they wouldn’t take him.
    â€œSorry, dude,” one of them told him. “What Max says goes. And he wants you to work over there.”
    D.L. flung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way over to me. He did not look pleased. At all. “Garrett,” he said, slamming his bag on the table next to mine. He was so upset about the whole Courtney/ Max situation he didn’t even bother to insult me.
    My group, Gabi, Cole, and D.L., stood there not saying a word.
    Can you say awkward?
    Gabi finally chimed in, trying to break the tension. “We’ll get the microscope.” She dragged me from the table. “Okay, what is going on?” she asked me when we were away from everyone.
    I shook my head. “Uhh. We created a monster.”
    â€œBut how? Just last period he was all ‘poor me.’ Now he’s all Freddy Kruger. But meaner.”
    â€œYeah. I don’t get it. He even makes Courtney seem nice.” Then I had a thought. A bad one.
    Popularity hadn’t gone to Max’s head. Powers had.
    â€œWhat?” Gabi asked. “You look like you just saw Godzilla.”
    â€œHe’s like Courtney ,” I whispered, practically choking on the words.
    â€œNo kidding.”
    I gripped her wrist hard and squeezed. “You don’t get it. When we left class you wished he was more like Courtney—and now your wish came true.”

chapter 14
    â€œOh my—” Gabi wrapped her arms around herself. “We turned Max into Courtney!”
    I nodded, although it was more me than her. If I didn’t have devil blood running through me, none of this would have happened. There’d be no wish granting. No chances for someone nice and kind to be transformed into a monster.
    â€œOkay,” Gabi said. “It was just an accident. We must have both been wishing for the same thing at the same time and kicked your wish-granting powers into gear again. It’s not a big deal. We’ll undo it. Put him back to normal.”
    But we didn’t get a chance. Just then D.L. called us over. “What’s taking you so long? Come on.”
    As much as I hated the idea, Max was going to have to stay Mean Max until lunch.
    Science dragged on, and I couldn’t stop watching the clock. Counting the seconds until I could undo my mistake.
    â€œPerfect,” Miss Simmons said, studying Max’s worksheet. “Class, look over here. Now this is the epitome of an amazing student. You should all strive to be more like this young man. Even when his answers are wrong, you can tell thought and effort went into them.”
    D.L. snorted. Almost everyone gave him a nasty stare. “Okay, what am I missing?” he asked. “Is everyone in a trance or something? Why is everyone all about Max? Even Simmons is gushing.”
    The bigger question was why wasn’t D.L.? Once I took a moment to think it through, I realized he’d been on

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