pinched her buttocks through her shorts.
S tartled, she tried to get away . “I, ah, the room’s massive. There’s this—this fireplace but no fire in it .”
Letting go, he stepped back. Praying for courage , she turned so she could see what he was doing. With everything she’d been through, she’d barely noted how exposed her breasts were. Now, all too aware of her captor’s focus on her naked and pushed-out-of-shape breasts, it took all she had not to hunch her shoulders in a vain attempt to make her breasts less prominent.
She was becoming a sexual ob ject .
“Interesting that the fireplace is the first thing you noticed. What about the furnishings?”
Everything about the room screamed not just masculine but macho. The heavy furniture was most ly leather and wood. The things on the wall—
“Who-whoever owns this place hunt s ,” she said around her suddenly dry throat. “He’s proud of his trophies.”
“Describe the trophies, slut.”
Slut. Yet another attempt to demean her. Fighting another wave of disbelief , she identified several bucks with impressive antlers , two bull elk heads, a tiger pelt, a bear skin so large it had to have been a grizzly. Much as she hated seeing the grizzly pelt on the floor near the fireplace, the mounted heads with the ir dead eyes were worse.
“Yes, quite a collection.” Damek patted her right breast. “For the record, this place doesn’t belong to a single o wner. Look around. What else do you see?”
Either she hadn’t noticed at first or her mind had been incapable of absorbing the details but now, for reasons that had to do with needing to wrap her mind around reality, she began.
“ Several wood timbers extend from the floor to the ceiling. I—they aren’t load bearing. There—there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to their placement.”
He again patted her breast. “Random?”
Please stop reminding me of what I am to you. “ I don’t know.”
“Go on.”
Oh God. “ There are—r ings and chains in the timbers .”
The man who’d kidnapped her stroked her breast. She knew better than to read kindness in the gesture but after being repeatedly kicked, a gentle touch caught her off guard. Warmed her. Desperate for something she refused to put into words, she stared up at Damek.
“You’re overwhelmed . That’s understandable. It’s part of the process, one hopefully you’ll embrace. I hate to think what will happen if you don’t . ” He chuckled. “ Think you’ll resist ?”
Rings and chains. Restraints . “Resist?”
He licked his fingers, then closed them around her nipple and slowly drew her close r . “ We shouldn’t be having this conversation. N othing in my job description includes explaining things to the subjects. However, I’m a studious man. It’s in my nature to educate as well as manipulate. Oh well, enough of that.”
H is tone pulled her out of the fog she’d allowed herself to sink into.
“Places to go and goals to meet,” he continued . “But before we leave this room, I want you to take note of several more things.” Still holding onto her nipple, he pointed at a window that took up most of one wall. “If you’ll notice, there’s no curtain. T he view’s amazing.”
It was. The evergreens all around were impressive —and far different from the oaks where she’d begun her day .
“More than amazing,” he went on. “Unfortunately, you won’t enjoy them.”
“Wh—what do you mean?”
The hand that had gently massaged lifted. An instant later he forcefully slapped the top o f her breast . Sobbing, she tried to escape only to trip and fall. T he imprisoning log jammed against the floor , causing it to slid e against her back . Sensing freedom, she pushed. S uddenly her arms were no longer being forced back. Planting her hands on the floor, she lift ed her upper body but couldn’t spread her feet enough to get to her feet.
“Love it, love it.” P la ci ng his shoe between her shoulder
Nancy Naigle, Kelsey Browning