Carpathian 04 - Dark Magic

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Darkness, did not possess such power. Gregori's voice was hypnotic, mesmerizing.
    Savannah closed her eyes, exhausted from fighting him. She was overwhelmed with despair. All right, Gregori, you win — this time .
    All the time , ma petite. There was no bragging, no triumph, just gentle calm.
    It was his calm that made her believe Gregori was far more dangerous than she had ever imagined. He didn't threaten or yell or rage. He stated everything quite evenly or, worse, seemed amused by it. A familiar scent filled her lungs as she inhaled one last breath. The wolf, her wolf, filled her mind with comfort, soft fur rubbing against her arm, her cheek. Savannah kept her eyes closed tightly, afraid of destroying the illusion.
    I missed you . She merged her mind with the wolf's. I wish you were really here with me right now .
    I have always been with you.
    The wolf's mind accepted her, enfolded her, embraced her with warmth. The mind was so familiar, as if she had walked in it a thousand times. I wish that were true, that you were here with me for real . The wild scent was strong in her nostrils. For a moment, Savannah held her breath, not daring to breathe.
    Then, slowly, she lifted her lashes. Beside her, the wolf stretched out, glossy black fur rubbing her skin.
    The wolf turned its head, revealing its unusual, intelligent gray eyes. Savannah's heart slammed against her chest. A moan of denial escaped. This was no illusion but the real thing. Gregori, with all his powers, could shape-shift. He was her wolf. How arrogant she had been to assume she was the only one who had perfected the art of going out in the sun. She had thought she was capable of resisting the rays because she fed only on animal blood. If only she had consulted her parents. Why had she kept the wolf her secret?
    It had all seemed so innocent and fun, to have a wonderful secret from her parents. But she should have recognized those eyes. Not gray, but piercing, slashing silver. And the wolf had been told her every fear, every desire, her every dream. He knew her secret, innermost thoughts. Worse, they had exchanged blood, she by feeding, he by licking her wound. The exchange was not, perhaps, as the Carpathian mating ritual demanded, but their mental bond was strong, unbreakable.
    She had been so stupid! An ordinary wolf would never have been so intelligent, so able to communicate warmth and security, so able to comfort her. Gregori had forged a bond between them from her early childhood.
    You were lonely.

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    I had no chance, did I? Not even as a child.
    Not from the moment you were conceived . No remorse, only that calm, implacable resolve.
    She shut her mind to him, furious that he had taken such advantage of her, furious that he could have deceived her all those years. She turned her back to him, remembering how the wolf had come to her rescue even with the sun out, nothing protecting his eyes. Gregori might be the most powerful ancient of all, but he was still Carpathian. He must have endured excruciating pain to come to her aid.
    She pushed uncomfortably at the heavy fall of her hair, knowing she should acknowledge that long-ago sacrifice. She wanted to be angry with him, furious. She did not want to feel cared for and protected by her jailer. She didn't want the racing of her pulse, the delicious warmth spreading through her at the lengths he had gone to for her all those years, to ensure a bond, to ensure her safety and happiness. His explanation was so stark and matter-of-fact. You were lonely . It was that simple to him. She needed, he provided. The code of the Carpathian male.
    I'm sorry you were hurt on my account . She chose her thought carefully, not wanting him to read her confused emotions. She immediately felt the sensation of a hand brushing down the length of her hair, the gentlest of caresses.
    We have a long night ahead tomorrow. You need healing sleep . This time his

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