Cathryn Fox

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Book: Cathryn Fox by Regina Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina
brought you here.”
    She touched his face in such a familiar way that a riot broke out inside him. He forced himself to draw a calming breath. “Actually, I’m glad you did.” The warmth in her eyes seeped under his skin and filled him with longing. “You know, for old times’ sake.”
    Before he did something stupid—like make love to her again right then and there on the rocks—he lifted her into his arms. “Let’s go. Time to get you home.”
    Surprise lit her eyes as he cradled her. “I can take care of myself.”
    “And I can take care of you.”
    When she opened her mouth to voice an argument, he cut her off. “Your foot is swelling and you’re in no condition to drive.”
    He carried her to the sand and deposited her away from the surf while he ran up the embankment and grabbed their clothes. Once they were dressed, he carried her to his car and put her in the passenger seat.
    “What about my car?”
    “I’ll pick it up for you tomorrow.”
    She tested her foot, and he didn’t miss the pain on her face, showcasing her emotions. “I’m sure I can drive.”
    “And I’m sure I can drive you.”
    Allison rolled her eyes as he blasted the heater. “How is it that you always seem to get your way?”
    He smiled at her and in a teasing tone said, “How is it that I don’t know you fell on purpose?
    You know, just to get me back to your place.”
    Allison whacked him across his sunburnt chest, and he yelped out loud.
    She winced. “Sorry, forgot. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for you to come by and get some aloe anyway.”

    Ten minutes later he pulled up in front of Allison’s condo. She opened her door, but he bolted from the car, went around to her side and scooped her up.
    “Carter, I can walk.” She shot a glance around the quiet neighborhood. She lowered her voice and added, “People are going to see you. They’ll talk.”
    “I don’t care.”
    “They might get the wrong idea.”
    “Still not caring.”
    “I’m pretty sure I can walk.”
    “And I’m pretty sure I can carry you.”
    “Do you have any idea how annoying you are?”
    “It’s my fault you’re hurt so I’m going to take care of you whether you like it or not.”
    She blew out a resigned sigh. “You make me crazy.”
    “And you make me crazy, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to leave you to fend for yourself.”
    “You’re insufferable.”
    “Key?” he said when they reached her front door.
    “Can’t you use—” Her words fell off and she frowned.
    “I gave it back, remember.”
    She reached inside her purse and fished for her keys. Carter took them from her and opened her door. Once inside he carried her to the sofa and gently set her down. He placed a pillow on the coffee table and propped her leg on it.
    “It’s already feeling better,” she said. “I actually think it’s just bruised.”
    Carter disappeared down the hall and made his way to the bathroom. Allison called after him, but he went to work on pouring her a bath. When he came back to collect her, she gave him an annoyed look.
    “What do you think you’re doing?”
    “Running your bath.” He grinned. “Or have you changed your mind on how you’d like me to warm you up?”
    He held his hands up, palms out. “I know, I know. Friends.” He scooped her up, carried her to the bathroom and proceeded to undress her.
    “Um, what are you doing?”
    “What does it look like I’m doing?”
    She grabbed her shirt to cover herself. “How does this fall into the category of friendship?”
    Carter arched a brow and eased her hands away, anchoring them to her sides. “We’re a little past the point of modesty, don’t you think?” Color crept up her neck as her hands stilled near her hips, allowing him to peel her shirt away. He eyed her. “You’re not going to win this one, Ally.”
    When she opened her mouth, he let loose a frustrated breath, ready for a fight, but she simply grumbled and said, “And again he gets

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