Celebrity in Death

Celebrity in Death by J. D. Robb Read Free Book Online

Book: Celebrity in Death by J. D. Robb Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Robb
Tags: english eBooks
    She’d give the music a nod, Eve decided. Strong, kind of pulsing and haunting at the same time. The instant she relaxed, Marlo’s face—so like her own—filled the massive screen.
    “Record on,” she said. “Dallas, Lieutenant Eve.”
    The camera panned down, drew back until it held on Marlo and the body in a high-backed desk chair.
    “Victim is identified as Wilford B. Icove.”
    When she started to crouch down, the body let out an explosive sneeze.
    “Bless you,” Marlo said without missing a beat. She looked up as people off camera laughed. “The vic appears to be allergic to death.”
    It was silly, Eve thought, but helped her relax again. The screen rolled with gags, flubs, intense moments broken by screwups. Andi, asMira, blew a line and laughed out a stream of bawdy and inventive curses. Marlo and the actress playing Nadine broke off in mid-dialogue to grab each other in a steamy kiss.
    That bit of business got a round of applause from the audience.
    Matthew tumbling out of his chair as the comp he worked on as McNab collapsed. Julian mangling a line, switching his accent to Brooklyn.
    The audience in the theater responded with laughter, applause, catcalls.
    “How do they get anything done if they screw up so much?” Eve wondered.
    “That’s why they call it ‘take two,’” Roarke told her.
    It looked like plenty of take twos, and threes, and more to Eve. But everybody appeared to have a good time doing it—again and again.
    The gag reel ended with the camera once again on Marlo, this time in the long black coat, weapon drawn, a breeze ruffling the short cap of hair. “I’m a cop,” she said, eyes fixed and fierce. And when she flipped back the coat to holster her weapon, she missed, with the stunner bouncing on the ground at her feet.
    “Aw, fuck. Not again.”
    Roundtree ordered the lights on and stood grinning and stroking his goatee as the applause rolled.
    “It wasn’t an easy edit, with the amount of screwups I had to wade through.” He dropped down beside Eve, commanded her attention. “You have to have some fun with it.”
    “I’d say you did.”
    “I’ll add and edit more. This’ll go on the home disc extras. People love seeing actors screw up, blow lines, fall on their asses.”
    “I have to admit, I did.”
    “We’re going to have individual interviews with the main cast. I’m not going to push you—that’s Joel’s territory—but I want to add my bit here. It would enhance the home package considerably if you’d do an interview. Both of you, even better.
    “I’m willing to stay in New York after we wrap if that’s what it takes, or to come back whenever you can work it in. Think about it. You lived this. I’m going to promise you we’re doing it justice, and I don’t break a promise. But you lived it. Everybody who sees this vid is going to want to hear what you have to say.”
    “It’s closed for me.”
    “No, it’s not.” He shook his head, and those bright blue eyes were razor-sharp. “I’ve got that much about you. The Icoves were the villains of the piece; the Avrils and the others the victims. And still, victim murdered villain, and you had to pursue that. The victims who survived are out there. There won’t be any more because of what you did, and that’s important. Immensely. But while you ended it, you couldn’t close it. So.” He gave her hand a rough pat. “Think about it.”
    “He’s good,” Eve muttered when he pushed up and walked away to sit with Andi.
    “And he’s right about it not being closed.”
    “When I agreed to cooperate—to a degree—with Nadine on the book I knew it would widen that crack. Part of me wanted to seal it shut, but you can’t. The rest of me thinks it’s good that people know who the real victims were—are—in this. How do I talk about that? It’s not my job to decide guilt and innocence.”
    “Not legally, no. But it’s your job to know. And you do.”
    Eve huffed out a breath, turned her

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