Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers)

Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers) by Marissa Clarke Read Free Book Online

Book: Chance of a Lifetime (Anderson Brothers) by Marissa Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Clarke
broken a promise to you.”
    “Nuh-uh. No talking about the past. Your rule.” And she had broken a promise—the promise to sit still on that dock and wait. He couldn’t go through something like that again.
    “And third.” And most important . “Never touch me.”
    Her mouth dropped open, then snapped shut in a grimace. “News flash. I’m blind. I might need some assistance that requires touching to navigate safely.”
    “Assistance is one thing. Tell me and I’ll help you, but warn me first. And don’t touch me if you can help it.”
    A flicker of hurt crossed her face, but disappeared as quickly as it came. “Fine. No touching you. And the same goes for me. Hands off.”
    “That goes without saying.”
    After a moment of silence, she snickered, then giggled. By the time she hit a full-out laugh, he’d joined her. “We sound like a couple of bratty teenagers,” she said.
    “Reverting to old ways, I suppose.” He stood and tore his eyes away from her. God, she was pretty. This week was going to be his private version of heaven and hell all rolled together. “What’s first on the list?”
    “Roller coaster.”
    “No more kissing, then?”
    The side of her mouth quirked up. “No. Kissing on a roller coaster seems like a tooth breaker to me. I only specified riding the Cyclone.”
    That seemed simple and safe enough. “That shouldn’t take long. What’s after that?”
    So much for simple and safe. “And after that?”
    She crossed to the door and snatched her cane and jacket from the coatrack. “That should be enough for today, don’t you think?”
    More than enough.

Chapter Seven
    T hey reached Coney Island before lunchtime, which suited Gen because despite her bravado, she was nervous and better off on an empty stomach. She’d always wanted to ride a roller coaster, but her family thought the pressure on her eyes would be bad for her, which she found comical. How much blinder could completely blind be?
    They’d arrived by private car, and the cold air seemed like an all-out assault after the cozy limo interior. One of the perks of hanging out with Chance Anderson: limousine rides. She’d loved it when she was younger and loved it now. He even had the same driver—the one with the slight British accent named Jacob, who always used her full name and made her feel like a princess.
    The cool March wind blowing off the water didn’t dampen the thrill, though. Exciting sounds of carnival music and laughter mixed with the smells of burned sugar and salt air. As they neared the Cyclone, the rattling and rumble of the large wooden coaster thundered in her chest, and the squeals of riders launched her adrenaline into her head and fingertips.
    “Nervous?” Chance asked from beside her as they moved closer to the ride.
    “Never,” she said with as much bravado as possible. Scared stiff was more like it, but that was normal, or so she’d been told by Sherry, who should have been here with her instead of her childhood heartbreak.
    “This way,” he said from several feet in front of her. Her cane tripped along a wooden walkway until it transitioned into concrete. “We’re in line now,” he said. “Because it’s still the off season, it won’t be a long wait.”
    She nodded, too anxious to speak. The rational side of her knew there was nothing to fear. This roller coaster had been in operation since the late 1920s and had been refurbished loads of times, including recently. The irrational side of her was freaking completely out.
    “I read somewhere it reaches sixty miles an hour on one of the big drops,” Chance said from right behind her. Wait . He was in front of her a moment ago. Usually, she had a great sense of her surroundings. Must have been the anxiety over the ride.
    “Yeah, I read that, too. How much longer?” The wait was killing her. So was being this near Chance. She could smell him—that clean smell she now associated with him. She

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