Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series)

Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series) by Elizabeth Delana Rosa Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Child of the Loch (Child of the Loch Series) by Elizabeth Delana Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Delana Rosa
marked by a break in the wheat. It had been cut by a scythe so that the wheat was short and easy to walk through. We hiked for hours with no events to note.
    My father would stop and name the different things we saw and deemed them safe or unsafe to eat. I was delighted with the new dynamics of the journey and the learning experiences that awaited me.
    My father bent to show me a healing root, when an orange- maned lion blocked our path. The lion hissed like a snake and jumped at us, using its great venomous claws as weapons. Prepared to fight, we both drew our swords but before we could cut the lion to shreds or be torn asunder ourselves. Long arrows hummed past us. The lion landed a few feet from us and twitched its last movements before dying. The Prince of Ogres and three very large, shirtless men clad in pants of green buckskin came running up to retrieve their arrows. Each man carried a basket of different sizes woven from thin tree branches.
    When they were closer, I felt the Prince reach out and stroke my mind. It was almost a caress without touching me. Each man bowed to one knee when they were five feet from us. The Prince spoke in deep, melodic tones, “Grand Queen of the Loch, I am Sean, the youngest of the King of Ogres' 10 sons. I have brought with me my men, Sheen, his twin, Kane, and their cousin, Tine. We have come to serve you. We bring gifts of the forest for her majesty and the best regards from her ally Chian , Sovereign of the Ogres.”
    In turn, each man moved his hair to expose his neck with his eyes down cast. Unsure what to do I looked to my father for direction. My father directed me to touch each basket and then order each man to rise in order of rank. The Ogres were showing their submission to my will.
    “Sean, Sheen, Kane and Tine rise.”
    I touched each of their shoulders, with the tip of my sword. The first basket held many blue tipped arrows, the second held dried meats, the third held bladders of water and the last one held two scrolls with unbroken seals. We would have enough food and water for the remainder of the journey.
    I was curious about the scrolls. Not waiting for the Ogre, I took the first scroll weighing it in my hand and studying the emblem in the wax. It was similar to the one on the scroll that James brought but there was something missing from that seal.
    I recognized it. My father had one tattoo, more of a brand really, on his shoulder. I had the same brand but it was on the back of my shoulder so I rarely gave it any notice. Our mark was an ancient coat of arms. Our symbol had jewels upon the crown and the one up on the other scroll did not.
    My father nodded and realized that in his grief he made a grave mistake. This was the real and true seal of the McDonnell. I broke the seal and read the words, written in shaky script that did not match the neat scrawl from James’s scroll. The scroll read:
    “I have squandered many years on things that cannot be changed. I lie here now without my son, Jacoh , by my side. These last days bring much reflection. My son and his chosen wife were forgiven long ago. I have loved them all from the moment that I heard of the Halfling child’s birth, even before then. I have robbed us of many years in my stubbornness.
    Now I am an old man. I go to see my beloved, Sabina, and it is too late. But now it is not age that takes me. It is the belief of my personal physician that I am being poisoned.
    I know in my heart that it is James McCuen . He wanted my death for his clan, even though I took him into my court as representative of the Turlinds in peace. With no proof, I cannot accuse him without war. I am safeguarding my last will and testament with my most trusted ally, Chian , Sovereign of the Ogres.
    It is my will that my grand-daughter choose her own love, but is it my hope that she chooses from among the sons of Chian . I recommend Sean, youngest son of the 10, above all others. He is young, strong and loyal. I have watched him since

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