Children of the Sun and Moon

Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online

Book: Children of the Sun and Moon by P. D. Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
witnessed Eric
leaving the stables, thanks to Robyn’s mirror. Raising herself up
from her throne, she summoned her bolamer. Stupid creatures, one of
her first experiments, but they still did her bidding. “Find me
someone who will help me further my plans,” she stated to them.

    Two days later
Malena sat across from her captive in the dungeon. “I hope your
trip through the void was not unpleasant,” she commented. The
prisoner did not respond. Slowly rising, she turned to her
companion. “No answer?” she remarked.
    Moray smiled,
which was an unnerving and evil looking movement. “It would appear
having ones heart ripped out cause’s difficulties in answering
questions,” he said.
    Malena smiled,
and hers was no less cold and evil. “That is too bad. Would this
form please you?” she asked the demon.
    “Yes, I believe
it would suit our needs,” he responded.
    Malena moved
over to the body, and began chanting. Quietly at first, then
growing louder and the spell became more intense. She shouted the
final phrase needed to allow Moray to enter the dead body, and
collapsed onto the floor. Moray raised himself up, then went, and
helped Malena off the floor. “Now, go and find the princess,” she
said breathlessly.


    During the next
few days, everyone threw themselves into the festival planning. No
one discussed Eric, and if brought up, you were expected to change
the subject. Rumours had begun to spread throughout the town, but
no one would openly discuss it. With it being the twins sixteenth
birthday, as well as the Festival of the Moon, the town of Klayhern
would be bursting with people. Already caravans of musicians and
farmers were pouring in. The priests from the three temples were
setting up booths to preach from and of course, directly across
from the Temple of Ademorna tavern tents were going up. Koral
smiled at the sight. The Temple of Ademorna hated taverns, so it
had been a joke at many festivals to set up tents near their

    Koral could not
believe all of the sights and sounds. Off to the side Koral noticed
a carriage and knew it would be carrying a noble from somewhere. If
she were seen, she would have to escort them to the castle, as was
custom. Quickly she darted down an alley, and ended up in the
section of town, which held the actual temples for the three
religions. As she approached the Temple of Allorethna, goddess of
the moon, she thought of a part of the prophecy. “The twins of sun
and moon” and her mood darkened. This was to be the Festival of the
Moon, beginning of spring, their sixteenth birthday, and she had
not heard a word from Eric.
    “Is something
troubling you princess?” came a voice.
    Koral turned
and saw Meechie, the head priest at the Temple of Allorethna. “You
look as if you need to talk to someone.”
    Meechie was the
only other person who knew the truth about the twins. The Temple of
the Allorethna did not believe magic was evil. Being a religious
temple put them somewhat outside the law, so they often harboured
those with magical abilities. Magima Tower would never openly
attack the temple, but it was an uneasy relationship. Meechie had
been a part of her life for as long as she could remember.
    “Eric is gone,
and no one knows where. How am I going to be able to do this on my
    Meechie smiled,
and drew Koral into a hug. “You’re the strongest young woman I have
ever known. This is something that has been in the stars for many
years. It will all work out.”
    Koral held back
her tears, and pulled away from Meechie.
    “Thanks,” was
all she said, and then headed back to the castle. The spell of all
the wonders in town broke and she just wanted to go home. Not
wanting to talk to anyone, she went up to her room to nap until the
evening meal.

    The evening
meal at the castle is usually quite boring, but today it was
unusually boisterous. Aside from Baron Allen Lychen arriving, which
of course unnerved her father, things were going quite

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