Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet

Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet by Cathy Cassidy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Chocolate Box Girls: Bittersweet by Cathy Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Cassidy
Tags: General, Juvenile Fiction
mohican haircut.
    ‘Hey,’ he grins. ‘The thing is … we’ve driven allthe way from Somerset. Four hours on the road, and all because Curtis wanted to see us. “Drop in any time,” he said. So we did. I mean, I know that rules are rules, but we need to see the guy now, not next week or next month or next year …’
    I hear the soft West Country burr in Ben’s voice and I can tell that his charm offensive isn’t working. I wonder why we didn’t just wear dungarees, wellies and straw hats because to this girl we must seem like real country kids, clueless, crass.
    ‘Aw, c’mon,’ Ben pleads. ‘You know what it’s like. We’ve got the forms. You can sort this out for us – save our lives. I’d be grateful – very grateful! I’ll buy you a drink after work if you like …’
    ‘No, thanks,’ she says.
    ‘Look, Curtis will see us, no worries,’ Ben insists. ‘He’s been in talks with my little brother here about signing for Wrecked. Shay’s going to be the Next Big Thing!’
    ‘They all say that,’ the girl says, going back to her computer screen.
    ‘No, seriously,’ Ben presses. ‘Curtis came all the way to Kitnor to see him. He’s already listened to the demo tracks, and seen him play live. He wanted to sign him, but there was a bit of a mix-up. Circumstances beyond our control. But we’re here to fix it now, so if you’ll just let us see Curtis …’
    ‘Can’t,’ the girl yawns. ‘He’s gone out. Not sure when he’ll be back.’
    My heart sinks. Ben’s attempt to save the day has backfired, failed. We’ve driven all this way for nothing, but looking on the bright side, at least I got to skip a day of being glared at and frozen out at school.
    We are walking out through the plate-glass doors when the miracle happens. A man in a skinny suit and a red trilby hat comes towards us, and when he sees me his face lights up.
    ‘Shay Fletcher!’ he grins. ‘Great to see you! Come in, come in …’
    He ushers us into the foyer and the fuschia-haired girl looks up from her computer screen, raising an eyebrow.
    I introduce Ben and we sit on the space-age sofas while Curtis fetches us fancy cappuccinos with chocolate sprinkles and thick wedges of shortbread.
    ‘So,’ he asks me. ‘What brings you all the way to London? Has your dad changed his mind?’
    ‘Not exactly,’ I admit.
    ‘Mum supports him, though,’ Ben chips in, and this is news to me. ‘She’s his guardian too, right? And I’ll look out for him if you need me to. He’d like to go ahead and sign up, wouldn’t you, Shay?’
    ‘Well, yeah … I’d love to,’ I say.
    Curtis smiles. ‘That’s great, Shay,’ he says. ‘So …you’re saying that your mum would sign for you, even if it goes against your dad’s wishes? Really?’
    ‘Definitely,’ Ben says. ‘Maybe. Well, possibly …’
    ‘No,’ I admit sadly. ‘I don’t think she would.’
    The look on Curtis Rawlins’ face says it all. We are wasting his time, wasting our own. Why didn’t I see that before?
    ‘Listen,’ Ben cuts in. ‘I’m twenty-one and I can take charge of Shay, look after him, sign for him … whatever you need me to do. Dad doesn’t understand and Mum won’t go against him, even though she’d like to … but I can be the responsible adult, surely? Not everybody gets offered a chance like this. I want Shay to take it!’
    I have never loved my brother more than I do right now, I swear, but Curtis sighs, and I know that Ben’s suggestion isn’t going to change things.
    ‘Thing is, you’re not Shay’s guardian,’ he says sadly. ‘His parents need to be on board, and … well, they’re not.’
    ‘He has a talent,’ Ben argues. ‘You said so … can’t you take a risk on him, bend the rules, just this once? Shay loves his music. He won’t let you down!’
    ‘I’ll do whatever it takes,’ I promise. ‘I’ve got a new song – it’s good, really good. Shall I play it for you?’
    Curtis Rawlins shakes his head.

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