Choices: Immortal Protectors, Prequel

Choices: Immortal Protectors, Prequel by H.M. McQueen Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Choices: Immortal Protectors, Prequel by H.M. McQueen Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. McQueen
Although she did not see the Roman, she felt something as they went to her rental car.  From one of the many windows he watched them.  She was sure of it.  Whether in anger or still puzzled, she wasn't sure, but one thing she did know.  When she saw Julian again, once more, she'd beg him to reconsider.
    Roderick tried not to be angry at the entire situation.  It was not fair.  As hard as he tried to seem nonchalant for Rachel's sake, his gut churned at the thought of returning to Atlanta.  Cyn would be paired up with someone else.
    For lifetimes he's fought as a protector, the war was far from over and every single fighter was required just to keep some semblance of control over the situation.
    Needing time to adjust, he'd convinced Rachel to stay in Italy for a couple weeks.  It would give Julian time to get his replacement and hopefully a few days for him to adjust to the idea of being benched.
    His cell rang and he eye'd the display.  Rachel had gone out to the small villa patio.  From inside he could see her sitting in the sun with a glass of lemonade reading a book.  She was the picture of serenity.
    "Hey Cyn," he spoke in a quiet tone, "What's up?"
    "What the fuck?" Cyn's voice exploded.
    "You'll have to give me more of a clue," Roderick paced, the cursing in his ear making him cringe. His partner was livid.
    Finally Cyn stopped the string of obscenities and formed a sentence that made sense.  "I've been partnered with James Fucking Bond." The male's Scottish brogue became heavy with anger.
    "Bond is cool."
    "This fucker is not."
    "Then call him something else."
    Silence, he could see Cyn staring at the ceiling trying to come up with a better nickname.  "I already kicked his ass once."
    "What did he do?"
    "Go back and see Julian.  Tell him this shit is not going to work."
    "Give the new guy a chance. I won't go back right now."
    There was another long silence.  Cyn read between the lines.  Both of them knew Julian would not change his mind, not for a while.  It could be a couple years or it could be twenty.  Nothing he could say at the moment would change their leader's mind.  "I'm weakening too fast.  I can't put you or anyone in danger until this shit is controlled."
    "Yeah." Cyn let out a breath.  "Thor said once you get married and live with her, you'd get straight."
    Thor had never been mated, it would take a woman with a lot of patience or supersonic strength to tame that one.  "How the hell would Thor know?"
    "His last partner, another Viking is married."
    Only Cyn would hold a conversation with Thor.  "Besides, I called what's his name, the Spaniard.  He said the same thing."
    It touched him that his partner was scrambling to find a solution to his situation.  "Thanks for that.  I suspected as much.  Since we've been together here, I notice the difference."
    "Well anyway.  I'll see you when you get back.  We'll figure this out. Got your back."
    Roderick nodded, even though Cyn couldn't see him, not trusting his voice.
    "You okay?" Rachel stood at the door, her eyes pinned to his face.  "Bad news?"
    Manning up, he arranged his puss into happy happy joy joy.  "Nah, just Cynden being a pain as usual.  He's mad about his new partner, some British guy."
    "Do you know him?"
    "Who?" He went to her and pulled her against him.  Two reasons, she felt good there and it was hard to keep up the fake smile.  She'd see through it.
    "The British guy."
    "Damn I forgot to ask his name.  I know a couple British protectors.  Both are capable, very good."
    "Want to go out to get a bite?" She looked up at her.  At once he was lost in the pools of blue.  Her beautiful lips moved, probably saying something important.  But the only thing he heard was the thudding of his heart and the echo of blood rushing.  She had become his everything, worth every loss as long as she and his child were safe nothing would matter as much.
    "Roderick?" She pouted and at once his attention came into focus.

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