Christmas Kisses

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Book: Christmas Kisses by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
as long. As we exit the elevators, I’m laughing.
    I jump into the snow, glad to have the cold air clearing my head. The wind whips my hair about as I shake my butt and dance. Ryan watches me with his arms folded across his chest and a tight smile on his mouth. On my second rotation, I run over and pull his hands so he’s standing with me in the snow. I twist and wiggle and bump my hip into his. He laughs, watching me. By the time I turn a full circle, there isn’t a hint of laughter on his face.
    Ryan holds out his hand, “Come on. Let’s go back in.” I take it and feel a zing shoot through my chest. It darts through my body , warming me. I can’t stand it, but I can’t let go either.
    Ryan presses the elevator button and the doors open. It’s still waiting there since no one is around. We walk in and he presses the button for his floor. Then he takes my other hand and holds both my palms together under his. He blows his warm breath onto them, trying to warm me.
    “You’re freezing,” he says and does it again, but his lips brush against my palm this time. I suck in a breath. My heart slams into my ribs and I can’t breathe. Ryan looks into my eyes and I melt.
    I can’t stop it. I can’ t contain it anymore. I take Ryan’s hand and press his finger to my lips, returning the sensation he just shot through me. Ryan stills and lets me. I kiss one finger , gently pressing my lips to the tip of his warm finger, while I hold his palm with my other hand. My bottom lip sticks a little as I pull away. I do it again, but this time I nip his finger with my teeth as I kiss. I don’t look at him. I don’t want to see his reaction. I feel so lost, like I’m floating. Nothing grounds me, nothing calls me back to keep me from making these stupid mistakes.
    When I move to kiss the third finger, he presses me against the wall and says, “Don’t.” He stands there, pressing into me, pinning me in place as his head dips and his lips linger dangerously close to mine. I shiver, even though I’m hot. I can’t speak. I can’t move. My heart pounds in my ears. The heat pours off his body. His muscles are tense, and he work s his jaw. He’s angry. He must b e. Ryan backs off when the elevator dings and the doors open.
    He walks out, the muscles in his arms corded tightly and he runs his fingers through his hair. I remain on the elevator. I don’t follow him out. I can’t. I can’t do this, whatever it is, that he wants me to do. I can’t flirt all night and not touch him. I can’t bear it.

    The way she draws my finger into her mouth makes me hard. I can’t look at her. If I watch, I’ll never get the image out of my mind. Why does she insist on tormenting me? While her booty dance outside was funny at first, the more she danced, the more I realize d that I just want ed to watch. Her body sway and her breasts bounce, and the way she shoo k her butt had me slobb ering like a lab. Then she does this, these little kisses that are anything but innocent .
    I press her back into the wall, not knowing what I’m doing. I just need her to stop. I feel her pulse beneath me, her heart beating furiously. Holly’s scent fills my head as I tell her no. At the same moment, my lips are getting too close to hers. I can’t resist. Her soft lips part as her rapid breaths disappear, and all I can see are those lips and their soft pink bliss.
    The elevator dings and the door opens . It snaps me out of it long enough to pull away from her. I walk out and down the hall, my feet hitting the floor hard and fast. After a second, I don’t feel her heat or hear her breath. I stop and look back. Holly is still on the elevator, watching me walk away. She hasn’t moved from the place where I held her to the wall. She stares at me. Even from this far away, I feel her eyes pierce through me.
    I ’ve fucked up. I scared her. The doors start to close and I hurry back. When I realize

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