City of Masks

City of Masks by Kevin Harkness Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: City of Masks by Kevin Harkness Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Harkness
Tags: Fantasy
I suppose, but it didn’t make him a good Hallmaster. No, there’s a worry or a hatred eating at him. Is something else going on, something that so bothers him that he must take it out on us?”
    He looked closely at Salick. Though they had a deep affection for each other, Garet knew that she would not hesitate to keep secrets from him for the good of the Banehall.
    “Nothing that I know of. Stop staring at me! It’s the truth. But you’re right that something may be amiss. Master Relict has just returned from Solantor. He’s obviously downcast, yet says nothing of the journey nor what happened in the Overking’s city. Even my own Master is as closed-mouth as a wood-turner’s clamp,” Salick said. “Which is a big change for her!”
    Garet smiled. He knew Salick missed the taciturn Mandarack, a man she had regarded as both a mentor and a substitute father. Her new Master, Bandat, was as skilled as she was talkative, but she was no Mandarack.
    Salick raised her eyes to the moon skimming the top of the city wall. That and the torches near the bridge were the only illumination on this side of the plaza.
    “I had hoped we were done with shadows and plots,” she said.
    Turning suddenly, she put a hand on his shoulder.
    “Do you know what’s going on? What are you thinking in that wise head of yours?”
    “I’m thinking something is wrong,” Garet replied, stretching up to look past the Hallmaster towards the bridge gates.
    “Yes,” Salick snapped. “We both agree on that, but what?”
    “We’ll know in a moment,” Garet said. He pointed towards the bridges, directing Salick’s attention to a Gold Sash Bane running towards them, lantern in hand and a trident similar to Salick’s bouncing on his shoulder. The two Banes started running to catch up with Branet.
    “Hallmaster! Hallmaster!” the Gold shouted. The ring of light around him bounced and quivered as he ran.
    They reached the Hallmaster the same moment the Gold skidded to a stop in front of him.
    “Snake Demon, Hallmaster. It got away from us . . . and went into the sewers!” he gasped out.
    Branet grabbed the young man by the shoulder.
    “Kitoroth, you let it get into the sewers? Fool! It could go anywhere. Where did it go in?”
    The Bane struggled for breath but answered. “River end . . . beneath the centre bridge.”
    Branet let him go. He turned to the two Banes standing close behind him.
    “Salick, we have to block off this end of the sewers as quickly as possible. Find the nearest grate and open it.”
    Garet went with her. In the poor light it took a little time to find the iron grating set flush in the stone of the plaza. Garet knew these grates were to be found in several parts of the Plazas, and also throughout the Wards. This was where the excess water went when it rained. His nose wrinkled when he remembered that the sewers emptied all the privies of the city as well.
    They used the pick end of his rope-hammer to pry it open, then Salick inserted the butt of her trident in the gap. With both of them struggling, they levered the grate far enough aside for entry into the deeper darkness below.
    The Hallmaster was behind them now. Kitoroth was gone, but he had left his lantern. Branet handed it to Salick.
    “Go down into the tunnel and make your way towards the Bridge outlet. Check each side pipe for any sign of the beast. I don’t have to tell you how dangerous they are, do I?”
    “No, Hallmaster,” Salick replied. She took the lantern and lowered it into the hole. The drop would be a good ten feet.
    “Your weapon,” Salick said, and took one end of the rope hammer while Garet eased her down. After he handed down her trident, the Hallmaster did the same for him and dropped the end of his rope-hammer to clatter beside them.
    No going back that way. At least he didn’t replace the grate.
    He looked around. The lantern illuminated several yards of a stone-lined tunnel, arched at the top and flat at the bottom. Luckily for them,

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