watched him shift position on the bench and realized Seth was reluctant to answer her.
Meeting her frank gaze, he replied, “Quite honestly, we wouldn’t normally have any guests on the ranch at this time of the year. There’s only a skeleton of staff. But, well… Don and Helen called and explained, and so here you are. Your Aunt… Ellen, is it?” Claire nodded, and he continued, “… has paid for a lodge for the next two months. So, it being a relatively long-term booking for only one person, Naomi and I made an exception.”
Looking away from him, Claire said, softly, “Well, thanks for making the exception. Don’t worry; I’ll be no trouble. I have deadlines to meet and books to complete.”
“No problem,” Seth stated with a smile, as they finished their lunch. Short minutes later, he began to repack the basket. “So, you write, do you? What’s your style?”
Helping him, Claire answered, “I have my own line of children’s books that I’m expanding on. I create characters, try to include a moral, and illustrate my books myself.”
Having taken the rug from her, Seth was shaking it out. He couldn’t hide his surprise. “You do all that? Impressive. How long have your books been in the book stores?”
“Oh, it’s no big thing,” Claire answered, modestly; “I’ve always loved writing. I’m just glad my hobby paid off! This way I do something I really love – and get paid for it, too. My editor’s waiting impatiently for some new material. He thinks Africa will inspire me. I guess I’m just lucky I can get away – that I don’t have to worry too much about my finances now my parents left everything to me.” Claire came to a halt. “I miss them so much.” She sniffed softly and gazed off into the trees, embarrassed by her show of emotion.
The pair of them slid into the car. Starting it, Seth stated, “Not long now, Claire. In just over an hour we’ll be there.” Claire noted that Seth’s voice was filled with satisfaction. “Naomi should be there to meet us. I think you two’ll get on brilliantly.”
Naomi , thought Claire. Seth had mentioned her name several times. Was Naomi Seth’s secretary, his aged aunt – or his wife? For some reason, Claire could not bring herself to ask. She’d find out soon enough, anyway. As Impunzi came ever closer, Claire’s excitement mounted. This place was, at the moment, only a name to her, but she knew somewhere deep inside that Impunzi was special, and would in some way affect her life. Little did Claire know with what poignancy this premonition would come true.
Finally slowing down as the car approached their turning ahead, Seth half-turned to Claire. “You are an excellent travelling companion, Claire. Your reward, one pot of steaming-hot tea, will be presented to you in about fifteen minutes.”
Realising how close to Impunzi they must be, Claire sat up and looked intently around her. She noticed a large, ochre-coloured signboard, swaying in the wind, supported by two long poles. Her breath caught expectantly as she read the bold, slanting words painted on it: ‘Impunzi Game Viewing and Fishing Resort.’ The BMW left the tar road, and Claire watched as billows of dust flew out behind them. She noticed a new denseness in the bush veldt.
Suddenly, Seth slowed right down, and cautioned Claire to silence by putting a finger on his lips. Slowly, he leaned towards her and pointed out of the window at something he had spotted. Claire’s untrained eyes could not see the animal, whatever it was, so well was it camouflaged. For a long moment, Claire was no longer quite so interested in seeing an animal in the wild, her overriding reason for having travelled to Zimbabwe, as in the radiating heat and wild, male smell of Seth. One of his arms rested against the back of Claire’s seat, and the other stretched out in front of her with pointed finger. Then, she did see the magnificent antelope, standing motionless beneath a thorn tree. Leaning