Clan Corporate

Clan Corporate by Charles Stross Read Free Book Online

Book: Clan Corporate by Charles Stross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Stross
corporate, the proposed repayment terms on the next issue of war bonds, and everything you can discover about the next budget.”
    Farnsworth leaned back. “That’s the Exchequer,” he said slowly. “I don’t work there or know anything. Or know anyone who does.”
    Rudolf nodded. “We understand. And we don’t expect miracles. All we ask is that you be aware of our needs. Douglass is a not infrequent visitor to the palace, and should he by mistake leave his brief unattended for a few minutes-well.” The hint of a smile came to Rudolf’s face. “Have you ever seen one of these before?” He slid a device barely larger than a box of matches onto the table.
    Farnsworth stared at it. “What is it?”
    “It’s a camera.”
    “Don’t be silly”-Farnsworth bent over it-“nobody could build a camera that small! Could they? And what’s it made of, lacquered cardboard?”
    “No.” Rudolf pushed it toward him. “It’s made of a material like foramin or cellulate, or a phenolic resin-even the lens. It’s waterproof and small enough to conceal in a boot heel. It will take eight pictures, then you must return it to us so that we can remove the sketchplate and downlo-ah, develop it. You aim it with this viewfinder, like so, and take a picture by pressing this button-thus. Yes, it will work without daylight-this is adequate for it. Keep it-no, not that one, this one”-he produced a second camera and handed it to Farnsworth-“about your person where it will not be found easily but where you can reach it in an instant. Inside your hat ribbon in circumstances like this, perhaps, or in your periwig when paying attendance upon his majesty.”
    “I-” Farnsworth looked at the tiny machine as if it were a live scorpion. “Did this come from the Frogs?” he heard himself asking as if from a great distance. “Because if so-”
    “No.” Rudolf flushed, and for the first time showed emotion. Anger. “We aren’t pawns of the Bourbon tyranny, sir. We are free democrats all, patriotic Englishmen fighting in the vanguard of the worldwide struggle for the rights of man, for freedom and equality before the law-and we’ll liberate France and her dominions as well, when the time comes to join in one great brotherhood of humanity and set the east afire! But we have allies you are unaware of, and hopefully will remain unaware of for some time to come, lest you jeopardize the cause.” He fixed Farnsworth with a gimlet stare. “Do you understand?”
    Farnsworth nodded. “I-yes.” He pocketed the tiny device hastily, then finished his beer. “Another pint?” he asked Jack. “In the interests of looking authentic …”
    “By all means.” Jack stood. “I’ll just go to the bar.”
    “And I must make haste to the jakes,” said Rudolf, nodding affably at Farnsworth. “We won’t meet again, I trust. Remember: eight, then to Jack. He will give you a replacement. Good night.” He took his hat and slipped away, leaving Farnsworth to sit alone, lonely and frightened until Jack returned with a fresh glass and a grin of conviviality, to chat about the dog racing and shore up his cover by helping him spend another evening drinking beer with his friend of convenience. Jack the Lad, Jack be Nimble, Jack the Leveler . ..

    The man Farnsworth knew as Rudolf was in no particular hurry. First he took his ease in the toilet. It was a cold night for the time of year, and he was old enough to have learned what a chill could do to his bladder. As he buttoned his coat and shuffled out the back door, through the yard with the wooden casks stacked shoulder high, he stifled a rattling cough. Something was moving in his chest again, foreshadowing what fate held in store for him. “All the more reason to get this over with sooner rather than later, my son,” he mumbled to himself as he unlocked the gate and slid unenthusiastically into the brick-walled alleyway.
    The alley was heaped with trash and hemmed in by the tumbledown sheds at the

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