Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory
difficulty as element of

    amorous play of
    CLS rescued by
    CLS’s thesis on
    as CLS’s ur-culture
    curare arrow poison of
    eye infection contracted by
    honey types gathered by
    internecine feuds of
    intertribal meeting of
    kinship system of
    language of
    material culture of
    monkeys kept by
    murderous attacks by
    music of
    nakedness of
    pidgin communication with
    tobacco smoked by
    “writing” experiment on
    Napoléon III, Emperor of France
    Nathan, Marcel
    Nazi Germany
    anti-Semitism of
    Brazilian Integralists and
    Czechoslovakia invaded by
    France occupied by
    labor camps of
    racism of
    refugees from
    Needham, Rodney -
    “Ne visitez pas l’Exposition coloniale” manifesto
    Newman, Barnett
    New York, N.Y.
    American Museum of Natural History
    Barnard College
    CLS’s feeling of indebtedness to
    CLS’s French cultural attaché appointment in
    collector’s items available in
    Columbia University
    École libre des hautes études de New York
    French political schisms in
    French refugees in
    Greenwich Village
    Hunter College
    multiculturalism of
    Museum of the American Indian
    New School for Social Research
    1952 Wenner-Gren anthropology symposium in
    Office of War Information in
    psychoanalysts in
    urban landscape of
    New York Public Library
    Niemeyer, Oscar
    Nimuendajú (Curt Unckel),
    Nizan, Paul
    Noces, Les (Stravinsky)
    Nunberg, Herman

    Oddon, Yvonne
    Odoevsky, Vladimir
    Oedipus, myth of
    Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
    Offenbach, Jacques
    On Growth and Form (Thompson)
    O País do Carnaval (Amado)
    Origine des manières de table’ ( The Origin of Table Manners ) (Lévi-Strauss)

    Pacific Northwest Coast
    CLS’s visits to
    masks of
    myths of
    totem poles of
    Parain, Brice
    Paraná Plantations Limited
    Allied liberation of
    Belle Epoque music halls of
    Bibliothèque nationale de France
    Café de Flore
    Directory of Cultural Relations of
    Grand Palais
    Institute du monde arabe
    intellectual refugees from
    Jardin des plantes
    Lycée Henri-IV
    Lycée Louis-le-Grand
    multiculturalism of
    Musée de Cluny
    Musée de l’Homme, see Musée de l’ethnographie; Musée de l’Homme
    Musée du Quai Branly
    Musée Guimet
    1968 student protest movement in
    Palais de Chaillot
    Palais du Trocadéro
    postwar conditions in
    Rosenberg’s gallery
    Wildstein Gallery
    in World War II,
    Parti communiste français (PCF)
    Patrie humaine, La (Margueritte)
    patrilineal societies
    Pelléas et Mélisande (Debussy)
    Penn, Irving
    Pensée sauvage, La ( The Savage Mind ) (Lévi-Strauss)
    bricoleur image in
    critics of
    English version of
    illustrations selected for
    intellectual understanding vs. sensory perception in
    philosophical aspect of
    prose style of
    puns in title of
    Sartre attacked in
    structuralism in
    Pétain, Henri Philippe Omer
    Petit manuel du parfait aventurier (Mac Orlan)
    Petrullo, Vincenzo
    Phänomenologie des Geistes (Hegel)
    Phénoménologie de la perception, La ( The Phenomenology of Perception ) (Merleau-Ponty)
    “Philosophical Postulates of Historical Materialism with Specific Reference to Karl Marx, The” (Lévi-Strauss)
    physical anthropology
    Piaget, Jean
    Picasso, Pablo
    CLS on
    photograph of
    West African mask acquired by
    “Picasso and Cubism” (Lévi-Strauss)
    Piéron, Henri
    Pinto, Estevão
    Plon publishers

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