Cloud Magic

Cloud Magic by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Cloud Magic by Linda Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Chapman
have to get him back to the skies,’ said Erin.
    ‘That’s going to mean getting into Marianne’s house to try to find the hagstone he was talking about and the keys,’ said Chloe.
    They exchanged looks. Erin could tell that Chloe didn’t like the idea any more than she did.
    Just then there was another rumble of thunder and a large raindrop fell from the sky. ‘We’d better go home,’ Chloe commented. ‘It’s not going to be safe to fly if there’s a storm.’
    ‘OK, I’ll see you tomorrow at the stables!’ Erin said. There was a louder crash of thunder and with a last wave they both dashed away.

    The storm raged with thunderclaps so loud that they seemed to shake the clouds. It was very scary flying through the rain as lightning forked down to the ground. By the time Erin got home her heart was thudding in her chest and she was soaked through. Landing in her room, she quickly whispered, ‘Stardust be gone.’
    A heavy sinking sensation ran over her from her head to her toes. She blinked. Her sodden dress had turned back into her pyjamas, which were thankfully dry.
    She dried her hair with a towel and got into bed. Outside, there was a loud crash of thunder and a flash of lightning again, but, exhausted from all the things that had happened that night, Erin immediately fell fast asleep.
    ‘It’s horrible out there!’ Jo said, looking out of the window the next morning as Erin got herself some toast and jam for breakfast. The storm had passed, but the skies were still heavy with grey clouds and a continuous light drizzle was falling. ‘Do you still want to go to the stables? I don’t imagine you’ll be allowed to ride today if it carries on like this.’
    ‘I’ll still go,’ Erin said, looking out uneasily at the grey clouds. ‘I can help clean tack and muck out and stuff, and I’m meeting Chloe there.’
    Jo smiled. ‘So how are you two getting on? She seems really nice.’
    ‘She is,’ Erin said, settling back in her chair, pleased it was just her and Jo in the kitchen. ‘We’re best friends now. We –’

    Jake burst in. ‘Where are my tennis shorts, Mum?’
    ‘By the ironing board. Oh, Jake, don’t!’ Jo said as Jake picked up the orange juice and was about to drink it straight from the carton. ‘Get a glass!’ She turned back to Erin. ‘Sorry, sweetheart. You were saying?’
    ‘Just that Chloe’s really nice.’
    Jo smiled. ‘I like Nicky, her mum, too.’
    ‘Can Chloe and I have a sleepover one night this week?’ Erin asked.
    Before Jo could reply, the back door opened and Sam came in. He was wearing his running things and his hair was wet from the drizzle. ‘Morning, squirt,’ he said, grinning at Erin. ‘Hey, Mum, any chance of bacon and eggs for breakfast?’
    ‘Bacon and eggs?’ Ben said, coming in from the little room off the kitchen where he had been watching a sporting channel in his dressing gown. ‘I’ll have some too.’
    ‘And me. Where are my trainers, Mum?’ Jake said, looking around.
    ‘Boys, I’m trying to talk to Erin!’ Jo said. She shook her head in despair as she looked at Erin. ‘Of course you can have a sleepover. Just let me know what night and I’ll talk it over with Nicky. Now, do you want bacon and eggs too?’
    ‘No, thanks.’ Erin put her plate in the dishwasher and escaped from the noisy kitchen. She did love her stepbrothers, but they were very loud when they were all in one room. She wondered what Chloe would make of them if she did stay over. Maybe I’ll ask if I can stay at hers! she thought.
    It was a cold, wet day at the stables and even Chloe seemed subdued. They didn’t get many chances to be on their own, but Erin was sure Chloe was thinking about the night before. She couldn’t stop thinking about it herself. How could Marianne hurt Tor like she did?
    Power , thought Erin with a shiver. Just because of power. She shivered. They had to stop her. If only she wasn’t the one who had to do the

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