Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me by Addison Fox Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Come Fly With Me by Addison Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Fox
    A matched set of tears lit her oldest friend’s eyes as Sloan dashed them away. “I just see how sad you’ve been and it makes
sad. I want to take it away and I want something better for you. Especially when I see that something better standing right in front of you, interested in getting to know you.”
    “Don’t you see? That’s why it’s the wrong time. How can I possibly start something with a person when my life is so fouled up?”
    “Maybe it’s exactly the right time.”
    Grier took a large sniff and couldn’t hold back the small smile. “You’re stubborn.”
    A lone eyebrow lifted above a watery blue iris. “You’re seriously saying that to me?”
    “If the Manolo fits…”
    Sloan grabbed her in a tight hug. “I love you. I really, really love you.”
    “I love you back,” Grier whispered, her grip equally fierce.
    “All right then. I think we can say good-bye to the torture devices and hello to pancakes.”
    Grier dropped her arms and pointed toward the now-abandoned treadmills. “Just so long as you remember why I’m allowed to have bacon with mine and you’re not.”
    “Hey. I exercised.”
    “You did, like, a half mile on that thing. And we all know what happens to girls who slack on their gym time.”
    Sloan wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled them determinedly toward the door. “What’s that?”
    “Their wedding dresses have to be let out.”
    “You are so evil, Grier Thompson.”
    Even if she hadn’t found the right music to help her through those damn running inclines, Grier couldn’t argue with their benefits.
    And there was one benefit that sat pretty high on the list: the pure, unadulterated satisfaction that came from a large stack of fluffy pancakes loaded with melted butter and syrup.
    “I think there are men at that back booth who would propose to you based on that breakfast alone.” Sloan pointed a fork at her.
    Grier turned to see a good number of the town’s bachelors filling the booths along the back wall of the diner. She offered a little wave and smiled when several hale and hearty shouts returned the greeting.
    “They’re completely adorable.”
    Sloan gave the back wall another quick look before returning her focus back to her own stack. “Yeah, they really are.”
    “I heard several guys made love matches at the grandmothers’ competition last month.”
    “A few. I’ve got interviews scheduled with the two that seem to still be going strong.”
    “There are three still going strong.”
    The voice floated over their booth with all the precision of a general’s command and Grier looked up to see Sophie, Mary and Julia standing in a line next to their booth.
    “Mrs. Montgomery.” Sloan quickly stood and gave her future grandmother-in-law a quick kiss. “Won’t you all join us?”
    “We’d love to.”
    Grier fought the internal eye roll at the quick agreement. While she loved the grandmothers, their not-so-subtle insistence on getting their grandsons married off made them a bit scary when all assembled as a coordinated trio.
    Which they clearly were this morning.
    Grier jumped up quickly to allow Julia and Mary into her side of the booth and grabbed a chair from a nearby four-top to flank the end of their table. Once they were settled, fresh steaming mugs of coffee allaround, the questions began. Grier was grateful she’d already eaten the majority of her breakfast or the inquisition would have ruined her appetite.
    “How were your flights, girls?”
    Grier took round one. “Fine, Mrs. O’Shaughnessy. Long, but uneventful.”
    “My, my.” Julia patted Mary’s arm. “To be that young and unaffected. It now takes me a week to recover from a flight.”
    “Unless it’s Mick’s flying. My grandson flies as smooth as the melted butter I’m going to have on my pancakes.”
    Grier saw Sloan’s eyebrows rise slightly but kept her voice level. “He’s an excellent pilot, Mrs. O’Shaughnessy.”
    “What do you girls have

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