Coming Attractions

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Book: Coming Attractions by Robin Jones Gunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Jones Gunn
slightly fruity in the meltdown.
    Smoothing her sweater back into place, Katie noticed a string hanging from the side. She gave the wayward strand a tug, and
     a half-inch hole appeared.
    “Oh, brother! You’ve got to be kidding me.”
    She pulled off the sweater to examine the damage, and the yarn continued to unravel. Frustrated, she grabbed her phone and
     called Nicole.
    “I’m desperate. Please tell me I can borrow anything in your closet.”
    “Of course you can. Help yourself to the shoes and jewelry too. Whatever you want.”
    “You are a peach. And a lifesaver. Thanks, Nicole. Tell Rick I’m almost ready.”
    “I will. Don’t rush. He’s catching me up on all the details with the café.”
    Katie rushed anyway. She used the master key to gain entrance into Nicole’s room and skimmed through the beautiful, clean,
     hungup assortment of tops in Nicole’s orderly closet. After trying on two different tops, she decided on the first one.
    Right before dashing back to her room, Katie spotted a pair of stylish black shoes. Nicole had said to borrow shoes as well.
     Katie tried them on and thought they looked great with her jeans. Viewing herself from several angles in Nicole’s full-length
     mirror, Katie thought it was about the cutest combo she had put together all semester. She definitely needed to go clothes
     shopping with Nicole as personal consultant.
    With the shoes in her hand, Katie hurried back to her room and finished getting ready. Her hair didn’t need too much tweaking.
     She shook it twice and let the silky red strands land in their usual happy-go-lucky tumble. Makeup would be a nice touch.
     She untwisted the top of her mascara tube and thought,
When was the last time I opened this?
    Her eyes fell on a green stone necklace that had been curled up on the corner of her dresser top for as long as the mascara
     had been sitting beside it twisted shut. Rick gave her the necklace months ago. She wasn’t exactly sure why. He said he saw
     it when he was in Arizona and the color reminded him of her eyes.
Green, yet changing in the light.
Or something like that. Katie had never been one to wear much jewelry. Tonight, though, she was glad she noticed the necklace.
     Rick would like that she wore it.
    Katie slipped on the black heels and took one last look in the mirror before dashing down the hall. That’s when she realized
     going fast in Nicole’s shoes was a challenge. A lady didn’t dash in such heels. She had to take it slow. No matter. Rick said
     he wasn’t going anywhere. He said he would be waiting for her.

    M aking her grand entrance into Crown Hall’s lobby, Katie wasn’t surprised to see that Rick was on his cell phone and had stretched
     out on one of the couches. He spent a lot of time on his phone. His head was turned the other way, so he didn’t notice her
    Katie casually seated herself on the sofa’s arm at the opposite end and waited for him to notice.
    Rick turned toward her, and when he did, it happened.
    Katie got the look she had longed to receive from Rick — the crinkles-in-the-corners-of-the-eyes look that made his lips turn
     up in a smile and made it clear that he saw — really saw — her.
    Katie wanted to mark this moment. She had waited for this since junior high. She was pretty sure Rick Doyle at long last realized
     he was in love with her. It finally, truly had happened. She saw it in his eyes. She saw it in his expression. Never again
     would she question if his heart was turned toward her.
    It was. She knew.
    Rick immediately ended the call, closed his phone, and took a long look at Katie. All he said was, “Hi.”
    Katie loved that “hi” was the only word to come out of his mouth.
    She responded with an equally small, “Hi.”
    Rick took her hand in his. “You look gorgeous.”
    “Thanks. It’s Nicole’s top. Did she tell you I called a little while ago in desperation?”
    “No. Hey, come here.” He made room for her beside him on

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