supposed to be at the Taylors' at sixv she . When an answering whimper came from Nicky, realized that she'd stopped bobbing him. The s of her thighs were screaming for relief. jugthe phone, she slid to her bottom, simultaneously uvering Nicky onto her lap. it was no mean feat; --was as helpful as a sack of flour.--..",Half an hour is all I'll need to shave, shower and ge/ Nicholas went on. h, Nick/ she Page 17
    Barbara Delinsky - Commitments
    sighed, then reasoned quietly, We d that we'd take turns with Nicky when we're ting ready to go out. He wants to be held, and. unless want him to fuss the whole time - V.,You've spoiled him, Sabrina. He fusses, you pick @[1-up. When you put him down, he fusses, so you k him up again. At some point he's got to learn that can't be held all the time.' 1 ut e B h doesn't learn,' she cried, as frustrated by her sband's tunnel vision as by the baby's shortcomings. at's the problemv Nicholas didn't want to hear about it. '. Hoskins ' just have to give you a hand." F','Mrs. Hoskins can't hold Nicky. She has a bad back.' If she has a bad back, what good is she?' ' me/ Sabrina said dryly. She'd often argued '.'that if they replaced Mrs. Hoskins with someone ... equipped to handle Nicky, Sabrina would benefit on : fronts. But since Nicholas refused to admit that Nicky's problems warranted special full-time help, s Hoskins had a staunch ally. ' suppose she keeps things organized/ he pointed ut, just as Sabrina had known he would. ' you had worry about making the beds and dusting and doing 53 laundry and polishing silver on top of everything else, you'd be exhausted.' I am exhausted, Sabrina wanted to scream, but she knew it would do no good. Nicholas saw what he wanted to see. It had been that way from the first time they'd met, and it had been okay back then because they'd shared a vision of their fives and of the future. They shared few visions nowadays, though - which was why, when Nicholas pulled his blinder routine, Sabrina suffered. Would it be at all possible/ she began, her body tense as she rocked Nicky back and forth, ' you to catch an earlier planev '.' ' one hour earlier?' ''m not here on vacation, Sabrina. This is a busine s trip. And I'm not alone; there are a dozen people waiting in the other room. I should have been off the phone ten minutes ago.' Sabrina was annoyed enough to ignore that. ''ll call the Taylors and tell them we'll be late., Don't be selfish. You know they're on a tight schedule. They can't hold things up for us if they're going to get through a sit-down dinner and to the theater in time.' ' them start dinner without us. We'll join them for the second course.' ' would be very rude, particularly when it isn't necessary. I told you I'd be home in time." Tut not in time to help me! My God, Nick, I can't do it all myself ! As it is, Donna's doing us a favor by agreeing to sit'-Donna was the second of the therapists who worked with Nicky - ' she can't get here until six-thirty, which means that Mrs. Hoskins will have to do the best she can for half an hour - 54 e to go, Sabrina.' didn't want to go to the Taylors' in the first place!' 11 see you tomorrow. Bye.' t we haven't settled - Damn it, Nicholas Stone, It hang up ... Nick? ... Oh, hell.' She whispered -last in a plaintive tone, hating what she'd said, even more the shrewish sound of her voice. been so easy-going and flexible ... before Nicky. ' a sigh that carried a pained whimper, she the phone aside, along with what little relaxashe'd found in the two days' break. Reality was in full force - endless work, frustration and che. And responsibility. During those two days was gone, she'd been free of responsibility. It had good, so good. But it was over. She was back. Nicky her responsibility. Her shoulders sagged beneath weight. Vicholas was letting her down again. She should e guessed he would. Lately he'd been in his work rld more and more. She could tell herself that he as legitimately busy, that the company was doing

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