
Control by M. S. Willis Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Control by M. S. Willis Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Willis
that out there?”
    I looked
away from him and retreated farther to the back.  “Like I said, he
deserved it.”
agree that guy deserved more than what he got, but why did you react so
violently?  I know nothing about you, and I know it’s not my place to ask,
but has something happened to you that would cause you to react that way?”
    My head
instantly shot up seeking out his signature smug look and I was knocked off
balance by the concern in his expression.  It occurred to me that Daemon
and I had only known each other for a little over three hours, yet, here he
was, asking me for personal tidbits about myself.  My gut instinct was to
tell him where he could stick that question, but considering he had just helped
me avoid a bar brawl, I decided I could give him this small consideration.
happened to me,” I said softly.
was that?”
    I must
have spoken too softly so I cleared my throat and spoke louder. “Nothing has
happened to me.”  He nodded his head in relief.
that’s good.  That makes me feel better; but I have to tell you, I’ve
never seen a woman react like that to some asshole getting handsy.”
huffed out a breath and allowed the rest of my anger to dissolve away.  It
was time for the abnormal childhood speech.
parents operate an abused woman’s facility in the panhandle.  They spend
most of their time there so, naturally, I spent a lot of time there growing
up.  I’ve seen too many cases of women broken by guys like him and I tend
to react badly when men try that shit with me.”
that’s definitely understandable.  I imagine I’d be the same way if I grew
up seeing things like that.” 
he was gorgeous when he wasn’t being a prick.
time had caused an awkward silence to stretch between us.  Not able to
handle it any longer, I said, “Well, anyway, this has been a great heart to
heart and all, but I’ve calmed down now so I believe it’s time for me to
go.”  I made a move towards the door and he reluctantly turned to unlock
it and open it for me.  I silently passed by him and walked out the door
into the bar area.
    I made
my way to the front entrance and waved goodbye to Logan as I passed him.
    As I
walked out the front door, I turned left towards the side street where I had
parked my bike.  I felt a presence behind me and turned to find that
Daemon had followed me out.  I put one hand up as if to block him from
following me.
Why are you still behind me?”
    He look
confused for a second and then replied, “I’m walking you to your car.” 
    My independent
instincts kicked in and I started to protest. “First, I don’t have a car; I
rode my bike.  Second, I don’t need you to walk me anywhere.  I can
manage on my own.”
rode a bicycle here?!”
chuckled to myself at the mental imagery that question elicited. “No.  I
rode my motorcycle here.”
eyes widened in understanding and he looked like he was about to give me the
speech about the dangers of motorcycles.  He must have reconsidered
because it took him a moment to respond.
fine.  But I’m still walking you.  My boys tossed that guy out of
here less than twenty minutes ago and he could still be waiting around for you
to leave.”
scoffed.  “I don’t need a bodyguard, Big Guy.  I can handle
myself.  I’m not even sure why we are having this conversation because I
believe I made it clear with you earlier that I don’t need rescuing.” I brushed
him away with my hand.  “Now skip along, Skippy, because I can manage all
by my lonesome.”
smug expression came over his face again. His voice was antagonistic as he
drawled, “I don’t know about that.  By my count, you’ve needed rescuing
three times this evening, my little damsel.”
there it was . 
warm and fuzzies I had for this guy a second ago were instantly replaced with a
deep seated hatred of all things Daemon.  I

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