Convince Me (Holton Series #1)

Convince Me (Holton Series #1) by B. L. Blair Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Convince Me (Holton Series #1) by B. L. Blair Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. L. Blair
after Carolyn had died.  The house had been built specifically
for his family and the move had been good for the children.  They had
needed the change after the loss of their mother.  Steven, on the other
hand, still lived just down the block from his parents and Phyllis Moore, who
lived next door.
    The Monday night ritual had begun
because of a natural desire to spend time with people he loved and continued
simply because they all enjoyed it.  Andrew and Carolyn had joined them at
first, as did Andrew’s parents, Jack and Phyllis Moore.  After Andrew’s
children were born, they had stopped coming but often, as was the case tonight,
Phyllis still joined them.  Now a widow, Phyllis enjoyed the company of
her friends.
    Steven looked around the
room.  It was comfortable and warm, a safe place.  The chair he was
sitting in was one of his favorites.  It was large and comfortable and
faced the rest of the room.  Patricia and Phyllis sat on the couch across
from him and his father was seated in another chair nearby.  Steven had
spent many hours in this room learning about life and love.  He glanced at
his mother and shrugged apologetically.  “Sorry, Mom.  I didn’t hear
a word you said.”
    “I was asking about the case
against Cofax Chemicals,” Patricia said, “but I’d rather know what put that
tremendous frown on your face.”
    Steven laughed softly.  He
looked first at his mother and then at Phyllis.  Both of them were waiting
expectantly.  Steven knew he could say he didn’t want to talk about it and
they would respect his privacy.  They seldom pried into his life but
Steven thought their opinion might be helpful.
    Then he glanced at his father who
sat silent in his chair observing them but not saying a word.  A carpenter
by trade, Dan spent hours in the sun and it showed on his rugged face.  He
was a large, quiet man.  He had brown hair, hazel eyes and a rather plain
face.  He was kind and generous but had little formal education. 
Steven had always found it interesting that his mother, who had a doctorate in
education and his father, who had not finished high school until a few years
ago, had such a strong marriage.
    Steven had always valued their
advice so he thoughtfully explained the situation.  He told them all about
his feeling for Anna and what he thought about her feelings for him.  He
explained about her date and his reaction to it.  He didn’t mention the
fear he had seen in Anna’s eyes.  Somehow that seemed too private to
    When he finished, no one spoke for
several minutes.  Then Phyllis said, “She’s running scared, Steve. 
In spite of the way you feel, Anna barely knows you.  She is new to
town.  She is setting up a business and you come crashing into her
life.  That is a lot of change.  It’s bound to be a little
    “You can be rather intimidating,
Steven,” his mother added.  “We know you so of course we don’t see it that
way but for someone who just met you, things are a little different.”
    “Gee, thanks Mom,” Steven said
sarcastically.  He had never known that he could be intimidating. 
Actually, he had never really thought about it at all.  His mother made
him sound rather alarming.  Maybe Anna’s fear wasn’t so unusual after all.
    Both women laughed at his
expression before Patricia continued, “Don’t worry, Steve, it’s not that bad
but I can understand Anna’s viewpoint.  When I first met your father, I
was somewhat intimidated.  Here was this large, very determined man who
seemed to want to take over my entire life.  It was a little scary. 
And, you, Steven, are a lot like him.”
    Steven exchanged grins with his
father.  They both knew that where Patricia or his children were
concerned, Dan was a marshmallow.  He would do anything she asked. 
Patricia intercepted their grins.
    “Of course, I know better now but
at the time, I was confused.  Love is like that, you know.”
    “Just be patient, son,”

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